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    Have to pass a piss test tomorrow.. Am I good?

    Sup guys, so I have to pass a piss test for a job tomorrow, and I have been aware of this for a while now. I have not smoked any pot since Dec. 6th, so it has been 40 days, but I am worried because I was an every day smoker for 2 years. Am I ok, and does anyone have any tips for the next 24 hours?
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    Busted! My story, caught growing pot.

    About 2 years ago, I was growing 6 marijuana plants in the basement of my home. It was the first time I had attempted to grow, and I didnt even really know what I was doing. I had only been a marijuana smoker for a year, and my dad had died a few months before the start of my grow. I was...
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    How long does it take to file an arrest warrant?

    I was busted for growing 6 plants in the closet of my room in my basement on 7-31-08. I was arrested and taken to jail only to be released pending a warrant the next day. Since then I have spoken to an attourney and he says until the warrant is issued I cant do anything because there are no...
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    I need advice fast.

    I repeated the story because someone asked again. I am not dumb. I have a lawyer. You guys say to watch the video of "do not talk to cops", but you forget I have dialup and it will take an hour or more to load. Not to mention I have ALREADY TALKED TO THE COPS. I do have a new question tho. I...
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    I need advice fast.

    just to clarify everything... I did ask for a warrant, I did say I had no pot, I said that everything was ok and there is no reason for him to search my home.... here is a recap of the entire 3 minute conversation: i opened the door at 4 30 am to the cop ringin my doorbell, he said he was...
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    I need advice fast.

    Hey guys, thanks for all of your help and advice. Couple questions... The cop said he was in response to a 911 call, but I was the only one awake in my house. I had tried to get on the internet about a half hour earlier and was unsuccessful, I have only dial-up and my phone line was acting...
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    I need advice fast.

    I live in [or close to] St Louis, Mo... I spoke with a lawyer personally yesterday and he says that givin my circumstances, I'll most likely be givin like 5 years felony probation. Meaning if I fuck up in 5 years, then Im going to be in jail instead for 5 years. Well, last night, I went...
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    I need advice fast.

    The nightmare came true. 4:30 am, I just happen to go upstairs in my house for a beverage, when I see a cop at my door. He sees me so I cant turn and go back downstairs. I had 6 plants growing in a closet in my basement. I went to the door and hoped it was for some other reason, I answered the...
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    What is life?

    Man.. my mind just slows down.. I play poker and when Im high, I rake in the cash because my mind is focused, and I make the right play.
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    Maybe you can change my mind.

    Its not sad at all... you get to be in a state of life where you can be with everyone at all times, have no fear or danger, and best of all be where ever you want, in the entire universe. You can go off to any planet and try to spark life and grow, or rejoin the community of Earth.. its all up...
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    What is life?

    This is from my other post.. just wanted to start a thread on this too. Im gonna smoke a bowl and explain myself. When I get high, it seems like my brain slows down, and I comprehend everything more clearly. What is life? Life is the consciousness of two energies, a male and female...
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    Maybe you can change my mind.

    Im gonna smoke a bowl and explain myself. When I get high, it seems like my brain slows down, and I comprehend everything more clearly. What is life? Life is the consciousness of two energies, a male and female. Everyone is created from a mother and father, and this has to be true all the...
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    Maybe you can change my mind.

    Whats up guys, ive never been religous, never taught or interested in it at all. Never went to church, only a few times, and I disliked being in church. I feel like I dont belong because I truly dont believe in god. I just dont like the idea that someone created us and has complete control...
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    Some things I think about while high.

    Sometimes I wonder if animals think at all. The bible says animals dont have souls... but are they really any different from us? They have just evolved differently. Animals build homes, kill prey to survive, and play just like us. Elephants even shed tears and mourne their dead. I think animals...
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    Some things I think about while high.

    Sorry again, those photos were a little hard to see due to the size, so here is the link to the actual image: Im done typin, off the the boat for some poker.
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    Some things I think about while high.

    Ok guys, I have nother cool thing I want to show you, and I have no idea what it is. If I could get an explanation about this it would be great. I was searching for some photos of the Universe and I came across some hubble telescope images and downloaded one for my background. ok... now look...
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    Some things I think about while high.

    First of all, you're asking me if I disagree with all of these people, when you have clearly missed the most obvious thing about your own post. All of those people dont even agree with each other. These people all believe in a higher power, or God, but no one knows for sure. I ask, why must...
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    Some things I think about while high.

    Good song.. but not what Im trying to talk about. Why is evolution not accepted by all when it offers the only proof?
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    Some things I think about while high.

    Even though I dont believe in God, I bet we are the same. We are physically composed of elements of the earth. Every human is made the same, so science works for everyone. So I believe that when a human dies, its energy, or concious mind just goes somewhere else. Humans die for the same reasons...
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    Some things I think about while high.

    thank you salviatrip, trying to keep this peaceful...