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  1. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Heres me new little veg box I made last night :) not quite done but I think it will do the trick for now. Trying to clone into some root gel pots I found and have some tomato seeds growing in there as well right now lol :P none of my new seeds have sprouted yet but its only been a few days...
  2. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    heh yep, sorry the camera sucks but you got it right. I have 1/3 seeds of each sprouting right now, I will post some pics after there is some actual visual growth. I kind of just picked some seeds at random but I think I am still pretty happy with my selection. I am pretty excited to see...
  3. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Things are still progressing nicely, I topped up the pot with a bit more soil and she has nothing but water for the past couple weeks. The yellowing of the lower leaves seems to have stopped, now instead the leaves look like they are turning purple a little but on top or along the edges :/ I...
  4. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Heh so much encouragement :D Thanks! its awesome. I though I had enough light, right now I have 210 watts worth of CFL's with 9 bulbs, right now I do only have the light on one side and I just rotate the plant daily so I could do add a bit more light there pretty easy. The leaves are still...
  5. C

    3 Plant CFL

    Looking Good! Its always encouraging to see a flourishing CFL grow :leaf:
  6. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    I was giving her some high N miracle grow but I stopped that a while ago. I switch to a high PH generic nute but I was using it pretty sparingly since I overdid it the first time. And I dont think light is the problem. She has 6 CFL's from above and another 3 cfls from the sides so I think...
  7. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Well since you asked so nicely :lol:
  8. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Thanks Calicatt, I will have to give that a try, I want things to go well! :D and yep heh, nothing like free smoke! :hump: and its fucking cool watching the plant develop lol
  9. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Things are looking pretty frosty :D I am getting a little worried though, the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow with brown patches. any of the leaves around the actual buds look fine it just a few of the lower ones. Are these warning signs of something or just a standard part of...
  10. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    I think I did have too much nitro in it, didnt realize dark leaves were a bad thing at the time :) I have just been giving it water now and in general I think it is looking pretty healthy :) My camera still isnt good at closeups but things are starting to be big enough to see anyways :D I am...
  11. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Glad I could be of assistance :weed: and Thanks! This being my first attempt at growing I am really excited to see how they turn out :bigjoint:
  12. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    Some Updated Pics :) my cameras not good enough to get good closeups but you get the idea. It is starting to stretch a little bit and their ar budding sites developing all over the place :D
  13. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    :D thanks MidAmber. Subbed on your #2 CFL :) I am super excited to see how it turns out. Also super stoked to start my second grow :) I have learned alot fumbling along with my first plant, lots of things I want to change for next time. The flowers just started developing, it is cool seeing...
  14. C

    1st time CFL bag seed :D

    So this started out of boredom and some randomly found bagseed :) I sprouted one and planted it in stuff i bought from the dollar store, initially using an incandescent desk lamp. When it actually started to grow I started reading on the interweb and this is what I have come up with so far :)...