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  1. Bopatoonie

    A Bit of a Jumble, and Challange.

    Yeah, I moved them in to the wardrobe out thre.. I'm just having a little trouble with airflow..the bathroom has an exhuast fan, I'll sve them by putting them in there. But I can't yet, because it's not set up yet, plus my mom just decided to move across town this coming week. so I'm doing as...
  2. Bopatoonie

    How to water my new autofem sprouts? And are these buds ready?

    When they are ready to harvest and dry, I hope you don't "quick dry" it all....I hope you know about Curing.
  3. Bopatoonie

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    Whoah!..I'm so pleased to have read this thread. I was completely clueless of this step ( I have to admit) Luckily I'm still in veg mode on my first grow, which is looking great so far, this thread saved my outcome, if it outcomes. I know I still have a shitload to learn. Thanks Ganjaluvrs!
  4. Bopatoonie

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    The exhuast fan would be better near the top of the rubbermaid, because of the heat rising. Intake you have dead on though.
  5. Bopatoonie

    Stealth grow dresser, 12 23w CFLs, LST + scrog screen, white widdow + sour desiel

    I forget who I was replying to, the name is no longer listed... that blond marijuana bikinied chink.
  6. Bopatoonie

    Stealth grow dresser, 12 23w CFLs, LST + scrog screen, white widdow + sour desiel

    I digg that you said and went there. thats dope thinking huh hah hahahaha, Like you said, ahh yeah you're right.....but you should see me ghetto system jumbled set-up, don't have pics... but boy it's great. makes me nervouse, and makes me laugh at the same time sort of thing.
  7. Bopatoonie

    A Bit of a Jumble, and Challange.

    Will I just get below avargae results if I dont use any nutes other than the two soil mixes I have, and just water? I don't remember what they are but, their outside, when I moved here they were here from other indoor growers (the two soils) I read them and they do have nutes, and some other...
  8. Bopatoonie

    220w cfl Closet Grow and 1 Sleeping

    IndoorFarmer420 is right, it magnifies the light through the beads of water. I just spray on mist to moisten the air, although some of it lands on the plants, I do it about halfhour before the end of the eightteen. But it's best at the begging of the dark period, I go with the last halfhour though.
  9. Bopatoonie

    150w mh timer problem

    Sorry Im no help, but it reminds me when I started my first grow, and I was just using shit I found around the house and I founf A time power bar half wer switch controlled and half were timer controlled....maybe you have them on the switch side...Huh hah hahaha!!..... I had to figure out how to...
  10. Bopatoonie

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I Digg that you said that not that I need to hear it, I was going to go about scrogging on my own account anyways. Just like I grow, even though Ive gathered quite a it of info on this awesome site already, there can never be TMI on this site lol (too much information) Yeah Ive never done a...
  11. Bopatoonie

    growing in a small dresser

    Use a Scrog net, that way it will grow in a wider radious as you keep tucking the branches underneith, and eventually you just let it be and you dont need the Scrog anymore, and since it will be larger in in width, you will have more virtical branches equalling more yeild.
  12. Bopatoonie

    Why is my plant starting to look like a bonsai tree?! *Day 16 Flower*

    Hey man, DIGG your grow! I have five seedlings under 5 CFL's and under one 100w sylvania bulb, and I have a bunch more 100w bulbs that Im thinking Ill need during flowering. I have great air flow 1 intake fan and one speed adjustable exhuast fan. Should I keep them under all my CFLs during...