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  1. GingerMan0331

    Another Newbie With Early Problems

    My ppm before I flushed was 500. Thanks about the watering. How exactly should I water with the drip system?
  2. GingerMan0331

    Another Newbie With Early Problems

    So what should I do now?
  3. GingerMan0331

    Another Newbie With Early Problems

    :shock:This is my very first grow so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have kept my ph level between 5.8-6.2 constant. I germinated for 2 days under 24 hour T5 Flourescent Light Seeds sprouted for 2 weeks under 24 hour T5 Flourescent Light Moved down to bottom chamber of my...
  4. GingerMan0331

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everyone! I hope I am welcomed. I am a very extreme newbie to growing and could use some mentoring. I have recently purchase the SuperCloset 2.0 and I have a 500w LED Grow light. I am ready for some serious indoor growing.