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  1. M

    My Growers Thread

    Would i fishing line fence be considered a booby trap...probubly not right. and there is no way i could keep it inside for a few weeks how about until it sprouts
  2. M

    My Growers Thread

    but im saying say they found ten plants tops...prob not going to even do that many...would they ever stake it out and wait for me to visit
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    My Growers Thread

    so i was thinkin about growing in the 2012 season. This will be my first go and i am both nervous and excited. I dont know which one is more though. I have a wooded park in my area that i was thinking about growing in. The park has trails goin through about half of it and the rest is pretty much...
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    Outdoor Guerilla Grow 2012

    I thought as long as it was an outdoor strain that can withstand cold and has an early harvest you can grow on east coast
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    grow location HELP!!

    so i recently decided im gonna grow this season. i live in a suburban area in the northeast. ive been searching google maps for secluded woodlands nearby. the best one i have found is a park/farm. in other words its a large forest with some trails. i can easily go off trails to a place where...
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    Welcome New Members!

    is it true that one of the hardest parts about growing is finding your spot...i have a spot in mind it i posted a thread describing in please check it out and feel free to give advice
  7. M

    NY outdoor grow (help appreciated)

    sorry to hear about the rot man...better luck next year. at least this gives me hope for my grow this year..check out my thread i would appreciate advice