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    has anyone tried this product

    has anyone tried this product called spider mite killer ? The reason im asking is when i used the stuff it kills the mites to a degree and i know i have to keep using it to maintain.But why is my leaves turning like this after a couple of days of using it on my plants heres the pictures
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    awesome !! good info because when i tried the enzyme tea the other day it looked like my plants buds grew larger over night it kinda threw me .
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    enzyme tea vs. ewc tea which is better to use or are they both very different things all together ?
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    question on enzyme tea's

    thanks for answering me
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    question on enzyme tea's

    hey i just got my barley seeds thru the mail and i wanted to ask how often are you guys feeding the plants with this enzyme tea i must ask ? And how long can it be keep if put in the fridge for later use ?
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    how can i fix this or start over again

    how can i fix this i made some base soil out of peat moss(3cubic feet ) ,worm castings(35pound),perlite(3cubic feet ) and i also put some hydrated lime(3 cups) in there from the garden nursery. But i messed up from reading around i should have not used that type of lime i used. So i wanted to...
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    organic coco mix

    has anyone grown with a soil mix made with just coco with there favorite soil amendments added with success ? Since im reading that coco is very hard for maintaining cal/mag levels is it anyway of using it organically like soil is used i would like to try some but i want to stay organic.
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    asking the weed gurus on here

    Great answers from u guys I was just thinking on it .
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    asking the weed gurus on here

    hey whats the reasoning behind transplanting from pot to pot ? Im saying will you get more of a big of plant from just starting in a 7 gallon from start to finish meaning you will have a bigger root system in the end isnt that what you want ?
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    can some one tell me why....

    bunnyface what method do you use ? Do you just give all of your nutrient yourself thru every watering and don't add anything to your soil
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    can some one tell me why....

    lol !! good info you guys but how do you check your ph in soil will one of those soil meters work well ? sorry but was always a water guy myself
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    can some one tell me why....

    ok thanks and you say i need some azomite because i do have some here this is there fist week of flowering i just want them to be as healthy possible
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    can some one tell me why....

    i thought that the lime you added was to care of the ph problems with organic growing this way?
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    can some one tell me why....

    so what in super soil that is suppose to take care of that deficiency i might have not added enough of ? i'm ready to learn
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    can some one tell me why....

    thanks to you guys for your opinon on that i think i will try and give it a tea (fish ,molasses,kelp) brewed over night of course. I hope that gets it back up to par.But i thought super soil had all the nutrients that was needed ? But this is my second batch of growing with this soil i just...
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    can some one tell me why....

    can someone tell me why my plants look bleached in the center of the leaves .Im using super soil in 7 gallon bags under a 1000 watter with the light real high away from the plants with temps in the mid 70's. The plants have been in flower now about a week.
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    can someone please tell me what is

    my room gets to about 95 or 100 now with the 1000 but it used to get between 75 or 80 with the 600 i had.The room is upstairs in an extra room but just thought it would be real noisy to hear it down stairs
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    can someone please tell me what is

    can someone please tell me what is the more quieter of the grow room fans to use in your grow room? Because im thinking of buying one real soon for the purpose of odor and heat using this new 1000 watter i step up to from my last grow.I was trying to eliminate the need to have to use a silencer
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    super sized stalks

    I was thinking of planting a vortex in a 20 gallon pot of super soil to see how much will it yield under a 1000 watt light. I would like to go 2 months of veg. before switching over to flowering to see my stalk size and yield. Does anyone think i will receive a pound or more with a big ass...
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    super sized stalks

    hey can someone explain how some of you guys have these monster stalks how do you go about doing this? I have seen some guys stalks as big as your wrist so i know its gonna produce very well .