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  1. B

    Leaves are Yellowing and Droopy, some curling too! Help!!

    Roots are doing fine, i think. I am using Cutting edge 3 part, plus the plant amp and uncle john's. I just read that plant amp causes the pH to have a false low reading... so maybe they now have nute deficiency...
  2. B

    Leaves are Yellowing and Droopy, some curling too! Help!!

    I wanted a 1000W MH, but bf wanted the 2 600W MH. I can't lower the temps unless I buy an AC unit or something. We already have the doors and windows open with a fan blowing directly between the plants and light. Also, the lights have a fan blowing on the bulbs. Can you suggest a way to...
  3. B

    Leaves are Yellowing and Droopy, some curling too! Help!!

    Thanks guys. I am using just plain water with pH around 6 for a few days and will see how that goes. But they were already droopy and a little bit yellow before the underwatering/pH incident. Am I doing anything wrong with my setup?
  4. B

    Leaves are Yellowing and Droopy, some curling too! Help!!

    So I've got these clones for 2 1/2 weeks now and they were yellowing a tiny bit when I got them. They have continued to yellow and have started to droop! They are under 2 600W MH lights about 24 inches away, 18/6 cycle. I have a hydro setup. Temps are 80-85, pH at 5-6, and humidity at 30-35...