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  1. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Well here is the plant on day 29 of her life...I think she is looking good. It is squatty w/ a lot of leaves starting to come in. I also lowered the lights about an inch or two a few days ago to about 3-4" above the plant and today I added the final two bulbs. This brings my total wattage to...
  2. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    So, my girl is starting to get comfortable in her new home, there is all sorts of new growth coming along....I went out of town for about 3 days over the weekend; I made sure to give her a little water right before I left which was Thursday night. No water since, probably will water...
  3. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    So, update for my girl's 3 week birthday! I transplanted a couple of days ago, and so far so good. I think it took it ok, there seems to be no signs of it dying so thats good, lol. I increased the lighting today from 3 26watt cfls to 4 26watt cfls. The temp in the room is a little over...
  4. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    What's up RIU, just a quick update on my girl. She is doing fine and growing a little every day!! Yes!! Anyways, I noticed this morning that there are some tiny roots coming out of the drainage holes in the bottom of my solo, i'm probably going to transplant in the next day or...
  5. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Alright peeps, this is day 14 of my baby girl's life....starting tonight, I increased the light from 2 26watt cfls to 3 26watters...still about 5-6" does she look? The dark spots on some of the leaves are from a little bit of light burn I do believe; i had too much light on it about...
  6. Blunt Blowin

    Help me!

    yeah dude you will get high...what kind of quality is it? Is is reggie, mids, good? You will probably get high tonight as long as you actually smoke it, you just may not know exactly what the high feels like.
  7. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Not feeding anything, haven't watered in about a week (only sprayed until soil was moist)....i think it is looking better now anyways, its not looking dead or anything just a little darker on the tip than the rest of the leaves...anyways I see some new growth coming in, its just seems like its...
  8. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    So here's my baby girl 1 week old. The leaves are pointing up and one leaf has a dark spot on the tip....any idea what this is from? Are the leaves pointing up b/c of insufficient lighting? I have a couple of 23watt CFL's about 2" away right now. What is the cause of the dark spot?
  9. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    thanks for the advice calicatt....what do you think about keeping all 6 cfls on it about 5-6" away and slowly adjusted (shortened) the distance. Also, is it ok to take off the plastic baggie now? I read somewhere that once the seedling pushes out its first set of real leaves then its ok to...
  10. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Whats up, whats up....a quick update...the seedling is 3 days old now and starting to form leaves :lol:. I started the seedling under 2 cfl's about 6" away and I've slowly increased the amount of lighting (kept distance the same) and today I have all 6 cfls going, still at 6" here's what...
  11. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    I've got a question for you experienced people out there...When would it be ok to start adding superthrive to the soil? My plant has been sprouted for almost 2 days and I'm not planning on adding any right away, but when would it be ok to start adding something extra to the plant?
  12. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Sooo, I finally have another sprout going. I germed another seed, planted it, and it has sprouted from the soil. It is about a day and a half old right now. Check it out, and as always advice/suggestions are highly recommended. How does it look?
  13. Blunt Blowin

    Seedling Light Question

    thanks for the input, for a seedling that has just sprouted, 1 cfl would work at about 6 inches, but increase the light and reduce the distance as the plant ages...i think i got that....i just planted a germed seed in my soil yesterday morning, but i think i fucked up and killed my...
  14. Blunt Blowin

    Seedling Light Question

    so what if its not showing any leaves many should I use for a seedling that has just sprouted from the soil?
  15. Blunt Blowin

    Seedling Light Question

    so, i have some 26watt cfls (6 total), but I am not sure how many I need to put over my seedling sprout...and how far above should I place the lights?
  16. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    well, for those who care or have been reading...I fucked up...I think I freaked out the little girl by giving it too much light, too soon. I checked on it this morning and it was looking all brown, so I inspected a lil further and apparently the lil sprout wasn't even attached to the roots...
  17. Blunt Blowin

    To much light?

    so...does the # of cfl's matter in respect to the distance over the seedling? For instance, I have a seedling that just sprouted yesterday and I have it about 4-5" away from 6 cfl's.
  18. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Oh yeah, 1 more thing. I have the CFL's about 6 inches away from the solo cup right now on 24/ this ok to put the lights that close and on that much? What is the opinion on lighting for seedlings that just sprouted?
  19. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    The emergency blankets are lining the room, they are cheap and can be found at Wal Mart, and they are made of mylar which is good for reflection.... UPDATE: After planting my baby Friday morning, I checked on it yesterday and found a little sprout coming up...I replaced the plastic wrap w/ a...
  20. Blunt Blowin

    Blunt Blowin's 1st Grow-CFL+MG organic

    Nothing yet...just planted the seed not even 12 hours ago...i'm pretty stoked to finally get a grow going. What strain you trying to grow Forrest?