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  1. *canna=bliss*

    Which portable vaporizer would be good for me? check it out! if your looking for portability and low price, not to mention it dosent look like a walkie talkie!
  2. *canna=bliss*

    *A Good Strain for Homework!?*

    You know i think there might be something to that! i smoked with my friend before my mid terms n it was like everything i studied was right there, only bad thing was he kept making me uncontrollably laugh and almost got kicked out!haha got a 91 thow! oh n i have ADHD BAD! use to take meds but...
  3. *canna=bliss*

    *A Good Strain for Homework!?*

    I do love the wake n bake!
  4. *canna=bliss*

    *A Good Strain for Homework!?*

    thank, imma deffinatly check em out!
  5. *canna=bliss*

    *A Good Strain for Homework!?*

    I know this might sound crazy but nuthing helps me get some school work done (Im in college) like some sweet chiba! unfortunatly im currently weedles:sad: BUT got an auto moscow n 2 diesel ryders in week 2, got a ways to go! with that being said, it was soooooo much easyer to write papers, do...
  6. *canna=bliss*

    cfl burned my seedling! HELP!

    hmmm.... not shure well i think its because it got smashed and burnt by the cfl (lesson learned) what kind of light are you using? i keep mine very colse, like 1 inch away the other seedling that didnt get burned is doing fine! leafs arent bent downward
  7. *canna=bliss*

    cfl burned my seedling! HELP!

    good info mcsmokester! thanx
  8. *canna=bliss*

    cfl burned my seedling! HELP!

    Thanx! ...that honestly made me feel better, time to light one and relaaax
  9. *canna=bliss*

    cfl burned my seedling! HELP!

    i guess i knocked over one of the cfls dirrectly on top of the seedling and its beat up pretty bad has brown marks im assuming burn marks!:wall:what should i do!? leave her be n maybey she will pull thru or cut the two burnt leaves off i dont know? but im not givving up on her!
  10. *canna=bliss*

    First ever indoor grow!

    LST thanks for that will deffinatley help out with the small space im working with!
  11. *canna=bliss*

    First ever indoor grow!

    i guess i knocked over one of the cfls and it was laying on the seedling burned it pretty bad 2 of the leafs are now sizzeld yellow!:wall: the little guys not looking too good but i dont want to give up on him should i just let him shake it off or maybey cut a leaf off. I dont know if it'll...
  12. *canna=bliss*

    First ever indoor grow!

    First signs of life! basically got a soil grow got 2 that just sprouted today (day3)... any info input or help would be awsome! the setup: home made grow box (3 feet h x 3 feet w 2 feet d) 4 cfls some reflective car visor(dont know what there called) all over the inside, just had enough...