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  1. M

    vaporizer leftover hash...

    Brownies are supposed to be a good way to use it but use the whole ounce for one batch. My freind says he was destroyed
  2. M

    Share Your Worst Bud Story

    Alright so i went home a week ago and did my laundrey only to find that somehow i had left my 8th of shake in one of my pockets. Needless to say it got soaked and clumped into little balls. I was so angry that i needed to tell someone but my phone had no charge so i preceded to show my mom my...
  3. M

    So i keep seeing advertisments for legal bud...

    I have smoked that fake bud before... my friend ordered some of it. It tastes absolutely nastey and wont get u buzzed. (its supposed to give you lucid dreams or something)
  4. M

    Green Dragon Question

    well my friends have saved up a ounce worth of stems but i think they might do a handle. I meanwhile have slightly less than a altoids box full and im going to try a flask worth. (dont worry about messing it up worst come to worst you can still get hammered)