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  1. G

    Boy or Girl?

    Started to SCROG - she was getting far too tall :0
  2. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Started to SCROG - she was getting far too tall :0
  3. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Lights are as close as can be now, moving them 3 times daily! Worth it in the long run I'm sure :)
  4. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Looking good yeh! Mine is getting a bit big for the cupboard but there is a nice selection of buds showing through at least :)
  5. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Hows progress with your plants anyways?
  6. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    This I put this on the blog the other day but here's a new one I just took now ;) That was done on flash alone, she's in the pitch black right now, so I'll try again in daylight tomorrow and see what I can see!
  7. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Can't believe our plants are the same age! I wish I had some advice for you but I don't really know what I'm doing here. Hope they beef up soon ;)
  8. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Thats worked perfect. She has started to bend around the stake herself now. Might look at tightening the coils in a few days, will just have to see! Here's the lastest:
  9. G

    Boy or Girl?

    2 Weeks into uninterrupted flower :)
  10. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Today I decided her pot needed change. I came back after 6days and she had had some explosive growth. A lot of stretch too as I cant adjust the lights properly without always being there. My solution so far has been to wrap her as gently as possible around a stake. I hope that combined with the...
  11. G

    Boy or Girl?

    She's a she! :)
  12. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Oh I get you sorry. I dont have any proper fert yet. Baby Bio yes but its hopeless. Anything you would recommend thats easy to find?
  13. G

    Boy or Girl?

    No offence taken I'm grateful to anyone who can help me out. But I also get what you mean about the trolls. I will keep posting updates and see how he/she grows! Thanks
  14. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    Do you mean M? Or do I have one of THOSE plants?
  15. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    I uploaded some close ups today! Here they are. Would love an experts opinion! There are more close ups on the blog but I think this one shows the top nodes best!
  16. G

    Boy or Girl?

    At least 10 characters
  17. G

    Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.

    He is fine now just incase anybody cares lol!
  18. G

    Boy or Girl?

    took your advice and wanted to thank you. looking good :)
  19. G

    Boy or Girl?

    hmm thats a good plan actually I've got tonnes of spare medium :)
  20. G

    Boy or Girl?

    Got a fan today finally! Well overdue but he holds up straight even on the high setting :) Would a support stick be an idea or should i let him get strong by himself??