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    Does Isc New York (Usps) Mean It Got Past Customs?

    Your Item's StatusYour item has been processed through our sort facility in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 10:28 am on April 05, 2012. I hope that is good news
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    Alright, I plan on harvesting these lovely ladies on the 25th of this month. One of my plants cola's is at 50/50 aburn/cloudy but the rest of the plant seems like it needs to wait. I know it is possible to remove lower branches and test it as desired and it won't hurt the plant. My question is...
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    Firm Believer in Teas Now!!! if you don't mind the cursing that guy seems to know a little about what he is talking about! another good recipe Also look and...
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    Firm Believer in Teas Now!!!

    Yes, I would switch out the mexican bat guano with jamacian bat gauno and maybe drop the alfalfa sprouts.
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    Firm Believer in Teas Now!!!

    don't put Epson Salts into your tea those little microbes don't do to well in salt water if however you absolutely have to have some I would suggest using it as a foliar spray 1 tbs. per gallon of water. You can also use the tea it's self as a foliar spray just strain it through a paint...
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    Firm Believer in Teas Now!!!

    keeping it basic is always nice but you might also want to think about other options Alfalfa sprouts- Sold as an animal feed, Alfalfa Pellets are an excellent nitrogen source (up to 5%). Also contains trace minerals and triacontanol, a naturally occurring plant growth promoter, which has been...
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    thanks, yeah maybe next round i'll be able to afford a better camera. I also plan on getting a hold of some super lemon skunk it looks like a pretty interesting :weed:
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    Hello, More of life's problems have come between me posting however the grow is coming along nicely. I changed up from using organi-grow to making my own tea. 1/2 cup worm castings 1/4 cup jamacian bat guano 5 tbl. liquid karma I let it brew 24 to 48 hours but more like 35 hours or so and...
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    just an added note: I will be using the tea again on Monday and i plan on vegging these until X-Mas when I'll also give these ladies another tea drink. So every 2 weeks tea and every third day distilled water
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    Hello, Okay it's been a little longer than i had planned to post new pictures but my plants seem to be doing much better now and since i used the tea I've only been watering every third day with distilled water no added nuit. I turn these ladies 1 1/4 turn under the light everyday. I've also...
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    hey man if you come up with a solution to your yellowing leaves let me know. My plants are...

    hey man if you come up with a solution to your yellowing leaves let me know. My plants are doing the same thing. Although i think it might be pH but don't hold me to it..
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    Okay finally the organigrow shows up on my doorstep Friday(i ordered it on Sunday) I'm brewing it with a 3.5 gallon bucket 2 gallons of distilled water and only 1/2 pound or half of the contents in the bag. Also I will be replanting these and i'm using foxfarm ocean forest. The strain 4...
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    NOOB gardener from the mid-west

    i have been using tap and the pH value is at 7. However you have me sold on distilled. I have been reading and reading and it seems to me that the best ''Lazy friendly" nuit is tea.. So I recently bought organigro and i will brew it with distilled water the ingredients: Earthworm...
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    Thanksgiving Joke

    If the Indians had offered a donkey instead of a turkey.. Would we all be getting some ass for thanksgiving?
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    Earth Juice PH organic soil problem. Help needed badly..

    i use EJ and i always bubble it infact I'm doing that right now for a nice thanksgiving dinner for my plants ;)
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    Hello, I have been reading around and i was curious if anyone here has ever tried OrganiGro? The Ingredients: Earthworm castings, bat guano, seabird guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, greensand, epsom salt, dried molasses. I learned about this from watching youtube Urbangardeners where this is...
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    Day 4 Flowering-Brown Spots

    Hello, I'm having the same issues however I'm in the veggi stage what mix would you suggest for me?
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    Symptoms of root rot

    Okay I've been using earth juice/grow 1 table spoon per 1 gallon and alternating with water every 3rd day. What should i change?
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    Symptoms of root rot

    Hello, I am new to this wonderful experience of growing weed!! Please take a look at these pictures and let me know if i am suffering from root rot or not. Thanks in advance
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    NOOB gardener from the mid-west

    Hello, I am a new gardener and it seems i am running into a few problems :-( these plants seem to have multiple problems with them. I am running a 400 watt hps with a good air flow. The tallest is 20'' from the light. I am using ocean forest Foxfarm soil and watering every 3rd day alternating...