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    Kentucky Medical Marijuana Bill -- Please Help!

    Well, seeing as we can't get gambling legalized to help save a traditional yet dying sport (horse racing), I honestly doubt that this will get passed.
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    Problems with watering

    Like I said I water more often I small amounts. By the time I actually do water the soil isn't moist. Hence why I water again.
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    Problems with watering

    I usually water two times a day. Once around 10pm the other about noon-ish. And I'm not pouring all that much either. Especially after I noticed this.
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    Problems with watering

    I have a plant that is roughly 2 weeks old. Everything was fine at first yet in the past day I've noticed that whenever I try to water the sprout it basically falls over. It literally takes almost no force for it to fall. This has happened once (barely) and the past time I watered it was worse...
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    Fluorescent or HPS for veg

    Thanks for the information. One last question though, when it comes to a hps light how far should it be kept from the plants? I read that fluorescent lights should be around 2inchs from the top but didnt see much for that on hps.
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    Fluorescent or HPS for veg

    I have a friend who says that fluorescent lights are better for vegging than hps. I would be using a 400watt hps compared to a few 40watt fluorescent tubes. He says it has to do with the light spectrum but I'm not too sure if I believe him. It would seem like the extra lumens from the hps would...