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  1. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    Pulled my girls yesterday, with this bullshit weather I felt I had no choice. Another week of sun would have finished them off but it's in side now and no more worries about the rot, at least now I have a controlled environment to work with. Very happy with my yield but always curious if...
  2. dishpiston

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    FDD2BLK, I removed a small lower branch from my flowering (8weeks+) plant last week to dry and take a little taste, I trimmed and hung it, after three days drying it smelled great and was drying evenly. Then yesterday I checked it (day 4) and it smells just like immature leaf ragweed. (still...
  3. dishpiston

    Hail and your outdoor plants

    Western New York US
  4. dishpiston

    Hail and your outdoor plants

    Had hail yesterday afternoon in wny and thank god no damage, lucky only have about a week to go. What a fucking hail storm though lasted about 5 minutes and covered the ground.
  5. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    :eyesmoke: Thanks growone, I just needed some reassurance and I will continue to check them daily. Thanks again.
  6. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    I just went and checked my ladies thoroughly, looked at each and every bud inside and out, and thank god no rot as of yet. I think the only thing that is saving me is the winds. I know the plant still grows from the UV's but I really haven't seen much change in the buds over the last three...
  7. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    HELP!!!! I live in the western part of the state and now the weather forecast looks worse and worse for the next week, (rain next 5 to 7 days with a high of 50 or so) my girls could really use a week of sun to finish off but now I'm getting worried about mold. Would love any advise on what to...
  8. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    This weather sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a week of dry sunny weather to finish off and I'm starting to wonder if it's gonna happen. I'm sure all of us are at this point, do I pull now or play the odds and hope the sun gods return. Looks like I'm gonna have to watch for frost towards the end...
  9. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    Cnymoeman it does resemble rubarb a lot, have you seen anything like it before?
  10. dishpiston

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Thanks FDD appreciate the time, you've cleared up a lot for me, read all the pages to this thread and believe I'm a touch smarter, better go roll one up and make it go away. Can u dig it!!!
  11. dishpiston

    the great state of ny

    What's up NY, Got real cold here in WNY near border. Down to 27 F at 530 this morning. It wasn't suppose to get that cold and I didn't cover it up, man it's only the third week in September. What a bullshit growing season this year. Took a few bag seed and tossed them in the ground...