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  1. djmako7

    Simple solution for spidermites, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars and other pests

    Thank you for the info, although roaches from neighbors house has intruded in my garden and are eating my plants.
  2. djmako7

    Little worms & nats

    I have found that Pyrethrum aerosols will work for nats. Where can I buy this? Would it be at home depot or a gradening supply store?
  3. djmako7

    Little worms & nats

    My plant has little nats and tiny worms eating there way through my leaves. I do not have a camera so no pic ATM. I heard that i can use bleach. To me it is logical not to because of the harsh chemical which makes up bleach will burn any organic matter. What chemical do I use to get rid of...
  4. djmako7

    Seedling crystals

    I planted a mids bag seed. It sprouted and is about 4 inches only with 2 new photosynth. leaves. does it mean i will have bomb buds since their are crystals all over the stem and photoleaves already?
  5. djmako7

    Spray bottle???

    depending on water flow it may take 20-30 seconds with these kind
  6. djmako7

    Spray bottle???

    For larger plants which takes 10 minutes to water purchase a larger sprayer from home depot.