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  1. R Scam?

    I have been buying seeds from for years!! never had a bad crop! TOP BANANA SEEDS!!! They are old school!!!
  2. R Legit?

    i have ordered quite a few times off them and so far so good, I have been growing for four years now and i have learnt a lot along the way and each year my plants have been better as i am starting to learn the tricks of the trade so to speak.
  3. R seeds too cheap to be true ?

    I ordered sixty seeds from them a few weeks ago. I got my seeds in three days and they arrived in green tubes. I have since soaked 15 seeds and they have all just started to shoot, I will come back to you with progress updates. I have bought from them before and have always got my stuff within...
  4. R

    Has anyone actually Grown WW from

    I bought seeds from them and I have had no problems. I lost two at an early stage but the rest have all done well and I have just cropped. I took some advice from an old:-P school grower that i know who told me to soak the seeds for 24 hours. This made a big difference as on previous occassions...