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  1. vinniekaz

    Going for 1lb dry

    One addition here: When I say grow mix, I do not mean the expensive, brand name, bagged organic mixes. Buy your soilless mix from the local landscape or greenhouse supplier and add your own example out here in chicago is Heco mix. I purchase it, from a landscape supply company...
  2. vinniekaz

    Going for 1lb dry

    Rule #1 for a five pound plant: one cubic foot of prepped soil per ounce of desired final yield. :weed: In your case (one pound plant) you will want to prep a garden with 16 cubic feet of tilled, organically fortified, ph adjusted soil/grow mix mixture. If the soil is halfway decent, you...
  3. vinniekaz

    Possible way for all female crop without worries.

    Yessir...number 1 rule: label your mother plants and also label each bag of clones when they are taken. But, put the labels on the plant at ground level, and cover them over with soil so that they do not stand out. If you plan on carrying in a lot of clones, root them out in rockwool cubes...
  4. vinniekaz

    Planning first Outdoor Guerilla grow...need some pointers and suggestions.

    Hi MaryJ First, and most important, are those strains going to ripen fully in your area? I checked out the Plushberry and it does not give an outdoor harvest date, but one of the descriptions does say indoor/outdoor, but no actual harvest date, or even harvest month. Has anyone grown any of...
  5. vinniekaz

    Can I turn my 11 Day old seedling into 12/12 outside? (pics)

    If you can, keep it inside, and veg it until it is 12-18 inches tall. Then put her (hopefully female) out into the outdoor cycle to start flowering...what kind of lows do you guys get down there during the winter?
  6. vinniekaz

    Northeast Florida, Random Regs Seed

    Hi...nice plant Think about putting a couple of large "boulders" in your rock garden oldson, perhaps a couple of large, but lightweight, lava rock boulders. The rocks will absorb heat during the day, and release it as the night temperatures get colder. Even a 6 gallon container of water...
  7. vinniekaz

    Im Completely New At This

    Easy though, that chicken manure is strong powerful stuff. It will make your plants grow like crazy, but if you use too much it will burn them dead. For seedlings like that add no more than a teaspoon of chicken manure compost per gallon of water. I add a pinch of kelp (Maxicrop) to my...
  8. vinniekaz

    Is it too risky to guerrila grow in the south east. ga to be specific

    Number one! Never grow more than felony quantity in one garden. Here in Illinois, felony charges start at five plants, and the next felony "level" kicks in at 20 plants. Needless to say, none of my full-season guerilla gardens contain more than four plants. Do not put your gardens close...
  9. vinniekaz

    Homemade Greenhouses

    If you have worms boring into the main stem, and you can see the entry hole, use a thin piece of wire, and insert it into the entry hole as far as you can and spin it around. The wire will assault and injure the little bastard in his "safe" home. The larvae will usually drop out of the hole as...
  10. vinniekaz

    Who's got the low down on Guerilla Irrigation Techniques

    I was hiking some compost into an area where I have guerilla grown for the past four or five years, when I suddenly noticed that I had been walking right past an endless supply of irrigation water...bright yellow FIRE HYDRANTS. These hydrants are not used for fire fighting, they are instead used...
  11. vinniekaz

    Greetings to my fellow growers from Vinnie Kaz

    Hello danny and ring...thanks for the reply and glad to be here!
  12. vinniekaz

    Greetings to my fellow growers from Vinnie Kaz

    Greetings: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vinnie Kaz, and I have been growing, smoking, and researching cannabis for the past 30 years. Past and present careers include door to door sales, gold prospecting in northern Cali, ham radio, electrical engineering, and chinese-style martial...