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  1. Beeman

    First CFl Hydro Grow

    Hey Sublimed , cheers on the PPP, the cops here make up there own rules , hows this the govenment just made it illegal for bike riders (like me) to associate with other riders ,if they think you are in a MC they can serch ur house car etc. NO warrent and they are running FREE courses for real...
  2. Beeman

    First CFl Hydro Grow

    Hey does anyone know the best strain to grow under cfls .. too many people getting busted around my town because of high electricity bills 8 in 2 weeks...So going clfs Buddha
  3. Beeman

    Ordering seeds??????

    I agree with tokezalot,i got seeds from there into australia the name on credit card is nothing to do with seeds or stuff took 8 days to australia no hassles 1 m out of 15 seeds 5 of wich i got free.
  4. Beeman


    Hey Pot Roast i have one for you ... first indoor grow ,i have 3 days old seedlings in rock wool cubes just did them with water and they are starting to push threw, when do i start nutrient , these seeds are special not bag weed so i dont want to screw up... anyone willing to hold a totally...
  5. Beeman

    First Time Indoor Grower

    Hi everyone, i just recieved my first seeds in the post :mrgreen: i have grown outdoors before just seeds out of bags always had a good result,too many nosey basterds around here so i bought some northern lights #2 and some super skunk and want to grow indoors , the net is so overwhelming and...