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  1. Mmm..right

    Factors which promote female plants in early veg.

    Recently, I learned such factors as humidity, higher nitrogen, and low temps can up your female ratio. I have wondered, and my question to the more experienced wb, do you think that the presence of a sexually mature male could encourage more females to develop from seed?
  2. Mmm..right

    'dark period' in final phase ...partial darkness

    Here... Steve Tuck vid. more stuff..
  3. Mmm..right

    'dark period' in final phase ...partial darkness

    I'd say I notice a difference (or at least I think I do), but wouldn't swear by it. I do think that harvesting in the morning (what the plants consider morning anyway) is a good idea... What has improved my crops the most is harvesting from the top down, as the buds do not mature /ripen all at...
  4. Mmm..right

    'dark period' in final phase ...partial darkness

    Not to stir the pot... as I don't know if this is still debatable topic,, Just speaking for myself, I do notice what appears to be cloudier trichomes at least.. in other words it seems to have an effect.. but I have noticed that some plants that have just been pulled from direct light, then...
  5. Mmm..right

    Growing a La Diva, an AK-47, an OG #18, and a Blue Cheese

    OG18 is a bitch for me in about week two of flower.. go easy on the nutes, especially the N, btw... needs a ton of mg all the time..and keep the P up. It's fickle, and dislikes soil... does very well in coco.'s excellent smoke. Also worth mentioning, this is actually about a 10 week...
  6. Mmm..right

    A Very Important Fact About Lighting For Your Plants

    This is all interesting...there are some amazing growers here on this forum. my experience so far, and without sounding scientific,, there is a lot to be said for light intensity, but then again.. your branches must receive the light. I might just point out that a room which is cluttered with...
  7. Mmm..right

    Sungro Metromix

    Anyone have experience with these soils.. specifically metro-300? ..and I'm just wondering what the ballpark is regarding soils ph,, and what my nutes/water ph should be (?) thanks
  8. Mmm..right

    Question about dish soap and water wetters.. something awhile ago about the surface tetion (of water) being essential to the plant's ability to move it up the stem. is this the case?, and ifso, are water wetters a bad idea for soil and hydro (non-foliar water)?
  9. Mmm..right

    So who here sets timers to come on at 4:20

    dude... ..but I was wondering if what I heard was correct,, that it is cheaper to run the lights at night. far as I know my power co. charges the same ..A/C power is better at night btw; I do kow this.. might get a few more lumens out of yer gear.. w'ev
  10. Mmm..right

    My man.. a real Hendrix fan, I can tell.

    My man.. a real Hendrix fan, I can tell.
  11. Mmm..right

    ...switching to 12/12 for the first time..may need to re-pot. ?? lil help

    Thanks both of you.. thinking im gonna leave them alone,, the yield isn't that important to me with this batch (from seed). I have clones comming up and will be ready soon, so.. Just so long as.. I just dont want any ..problems because i didnt re-pot. I'll deal with less yeild this go round...
  12. Mmm..right

    ...switching to 12/12 for the first time..may need to re-pot. ?? lil help

    Well, I'm ready to flower, but I've got a couple plants that are about out of room in their 3gal pots (well, bags). can I go ahead and flower, or maybe am I better off to re-pot and wait a week or so.. spose I know what the answer is, but I'm runnung outta space. So, will they be ok? advise...
  13. Mmm..right

    The almighty RUNT Thread!

    Ha ha.. I got one.. call her.. 'ol Half-dead'. started life as a way small cutting that should not have been... I was about to throw her away when I noticed signs of life.. but a pic would do me no good now.. it made a great comeback.
  14. Mmm..right

    GE Daylight 40 bulbs..
  15. Mmm..right

    GE Daylight 40 bulbs..

    ..just had to put this out there. recently switched to (4) of these bulbs for clones and early veg. plants are eating it up. It's good, cool EVEN light dist.. ..previous lighting was 400watt mh with 70 watt hps suplimental. kudos GE... 3050 lumens per bulb.. 6500 color temp
  16. Mmm..right

    help,, did I contaminate my bottle of big bloom?

    I accidentally used the same syringe to pull nutes out of the bottle of big bloom, that had just used w/ the grow big... I shook up the bottle immediately once I'd noticed what had happened. should I worry about lockup or anything contaminating the bottle?
  17. Mmm..right

    Guano Tea Question..

    Hey, I have some blkstrap molassas and mexican guano brewin in a jug with some airstones... should I throw it out and start a new batch every so often, or is it cool just being airated?? thanks
  18. Mmm..right

    Strain recommendation please..

    damn you go some good lookin plants homee
  19. Mmm..right

    Strain recommendation please..

    I was headed in the NL direction aamof.. Spitsbuds... spot on rec for me dude. Serious doesn't have a fem version though... got me looking at Big Budda's Bubblecheese though on attitude. Think they had me at "stout"...
  20. Mmm..right

    Strain recommendation please..

    looking for a good smoke, high yeild indoor strain.. one that produces a nice cola on the main stem... not too branchy. thanks