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  1. M

    Welcome New Members!

    awrite fellow newbies wot a site to start growing keep it up MR ROLLITUP....peace.....i need help i think i'v fried my seedlings...were under a desk lamp for a week and a half put under a 250w hps n they don't look good....still green but wilting anybody help....many thanks....back under desk lamp
  2. M

    sorry that should have been 3 inches tall

    sorry that should have been 3 inches tall
  3. M

    hey rollit i'm looking for some help i'm new to growing and i think i'v fried my seedlings.....i...

    hey rollit i'm looking for some help i'm new to growing and i think i'v fried my seedlings.....i was using a desck lamp for the first week and a half then switched to a 250w hps......3 days later my babies were top heavy with baby ;leaves sagging.....i had hps about 12' away they were 3"...
  4. M

    hi,new to growing and i think i'v fried my seedlings...can anyone help...they were in full swing...

    hi,new to growing and i think i'v fried my seedlings...can anyone help...they were in full swing untill i put my hps on them about 12' away...was using a desk light befor that on 18/6......appreciate your feedback cheers
  5. M

    checking run off when groing in soil

    can any one help,,,,,i'm a first time grower n am tryin tae grow blue cheese........everything was goin well untill this morning when my babies looked like this(picture) got told to put my hps light on them 250w 32,000 lumens.....had it about 12" away......they were coming along brill with just...