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  1. J

    Please support H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

    The president is just but one step in the process (the final step) there is a long way to go before it even reaches his desk. say what you want about Ronald Regan, but if memory serves me correct he was one of the last few presidents not to cow tow to big business lobbies, had a good domestic...
  2. J

    Please support H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

    we're not asking anyone to speak on the behalf of pot or even to debate it's pros and cons at all, the legislation to legalize Mary J is already at Washington (HR 2306), as well as the accompanying petition for Obama of voting citizens who agree (currently 74,000) all that is left is the...
  3. J

    Please support H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

    it is nice to be young, or at any age to still have hope for change and faith in the democratic process....when you're that young you can still hear the wind of change whistling... Petitions are a part of the US going back to day one. I guess those guys, Jefferson, Adams, Washington, were all...
  4. J

    Please support H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

    contrary to stoner belief petitions and phone calls from registered voters does make a difference in swaying the opinion for our representatives (especially the ones up for re-election.) which means swaying their vote sometimes to agree with their supporters. We also have the constitutional...
  5. J

    Please support H.R. 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

    There are several things you can do personally to help support this Bill. 1. you can contact your local house/senate representatives and urge them to vote "yes" on this Bill, phone contact is most effective in the weeks leading up to the docket so if you can obtain their numbers and blow up...
  6. J


    thanx Daath, this particular petition (local to Pa) is only relevant to this topic, however I do have other news relevant to the legalization of Mary j that I will post in Toke 'n talk. Due to my job requirements I have not toked in over 7 years, however I have not forgotten to cause. jerm :)
  7. J


    unfortunately that is illegal, and many of us have jobs that require urine test. We are working on a petition to legalize mary j, so if anyone here is interested in becoming politically active for legalization please sign your name to the docket...