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  1. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    ill put pics up tommarow, i dont want to disturb it right now (its tucked away in my closet)... plus it looks pretty sad... hopefully 18 hours of light will spunk it up a lil.
  2. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    hey, i looked at the package of the light and it is soft white.... should i return it and get something different?? i need something that is somewhat small and puts out good power... people say you need around 2500 lumens... and this light supposedley puts out 2700 lumens. newbie at work...
  3. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    alright i went to lowes and bought a 150wat flourescent light putting out 2700 lumens. my plant right now looks a little droopy.... leaves are still green. I have it tied up to a straw, with the proper light about 4-5 inches above it. how good are marijuana plants at surviving situations like...
  4. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    To Panhead, its not like im some dumbass kid that stole a plant and hopes to get high the next day. i got some plants in my backyard, i know the shits not easy. and it takes time.... If i didnt rescue that plant, it would have been destroyed one way or another.... no way it woulda made it to the...
  5. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    naw, if i didnt pick it someone else would have!!!! feel me on this one, theres no stealing about it!!! you woulda done the same thing.... and i do have background knowledge of growing marijuana, i just didnt have time to get some professional equiptment together. This is just for fun, and who...
  6. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    thanks for the help, hopefully i can get better lights in time... where can i find them around town? we dont have a hydroponics shop or anything. could they be in an animal store??? thanks
  7. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    thanks for apologizing Email468 i raised the plant to about 3 inches below,is my shitty 13w 7000k light gonna help this plant at all? at least hold it over untill i can get 3X23watt lights w/ 6500K? and please listen to snowgreen lol, a plant is in need...
  8. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    thanks for the feedback blonddie07 QUOTE: "so the excuse-making, low-life thieving scum-bag still wants help and calls us bitches to boot. grow you own." You dont know me cuh. I'm not tryin to start shit, id just prefer it if people kept their mouth shut. thanks..:mrgreen:
  9. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    i appreciate the comments... but no help bitches. it was in a very open spot and i was in a different city, or else i woulda let it grow.... haha help me out!
  10. K

    Help Me Out!!!

    Alright this is a funny story... but i need help. ill make it short for you stoners out there.... i went to steak n shake... looked left while i was waitin in the drive thru and saw a 6 inch marijuana plant. i dug it up and took it home. If i was planning on growing i would get the right...
  11. K

    Will this work???! check it out, and help me.

    Alright this is a funny story... but i need help. ill make it short for you stoners out there.... i went to steak n shake... looked left while i was waitin in the drive thru and saw a 6 inch marijuana plant. i dug it up and took it home. If i was planning on growing i would get the right...