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  1. M

    Attitude seeds to Australia

    No but they can always make your package "disappear" for evidence of importation. My package has still got the Awaiting delivery bit, Had stealth shipping even. Just havent heard of anyone recently getting their orders in the last 3 months. Maybe qld has cracked down?
  2. M

    Attitude seeds to Australia

    Hey there mate! Im also from the place you call home. My tracking order has said its been in brisbane awaiting delivery for about a week or so now. Ordered from PS about 4 months ago and never got anything as well. I want to hear more people from QLD's opinions about this as there hasnt been...
  3. M

    Hempy FEEDING ec ppms and ph - kind of nutes? Succesful Schedule?

    Sorry if this is quite late, im not really on these forums much. but in my experience with all perlite jempys that im running atm. My 2 week old is on 860PPM as my tap waters 224ppm the rest is nutes. Ph is 6.0. Never saw problems at all. Theres no nute burn, and i feed every time, except on...