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  1. BrownGuy420

    Lower new growth rot?

    And that new growth will slowly make its way up the plant unless i start choppin off those brances. The leave around the new yellowish/brown rot look seem rough and unhealthy Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  2. BrownGuy420

    Lower new growth rot?

    Hey guys, I have never seen this before and it is plaguing me on what it could be so I bring it to you guys to see if you can tell me or point me in the right direction on how to cure this problem. I am growing in roots organics and a mixture of roots organics super soil, I water once a week...
  3. BrownGuy420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    @TWS thanks bro! I try my best...i got videos on youtube for a better look. Just look up my name BrownGuy420 and you'll find me...thanks again! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  4. BrownGuy420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Thx bro a lot of work has gone onto it all but its all worth it in the end! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  5. BrownGuy420

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Here's some pics from the greenhouse grow and also some from just the outdoor for 2014
  6. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    @Dr. Treez84 Glad you are getting your heat under control, your plants are going to love the enviroment and also you now can finish out the season and not have to worry about rains making you harvest earlier. I just wanted to throw down this link for some shade cloth that's called alluminet...
  7. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Lookin good doublejj! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  8. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Right on bro i cant wait to see how those fans work...plants look good, best to ya man! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  9. BrownGuy420

    AACT, Bloom Tea, Veg Tea, Fungal Tea, Myco Tea, recipes from the outdoor guys.

    Hey guys this is a great thread and just had a question, has anyone ever used Down to Earth's BioLive in their teas? Looks like an excellents thing to add to some EWC's and some molasses for veg...what would you experienced tea makers say about that? The attachment has the ingredients in...
  10. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Haha....whats hapinin! Ya i been on here a while but mainly lurk in the shadows...its cool you've seen my videos...Grow On Brotha! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  11. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    I dream of being there man! GH growin is an art and im sure in 11 seasons you've got it dialed in just right! Would love to see pics of em, im always looking for better ideas to beat the heat, rooftop vents are what i look to do nxt so in them summer days i can let the heat pour right out. Sent...
  12. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Ya my first two seasons were a mad scramble to figure out greenhouse dynamics but i think i got it now, my temps are consistently about 1 degrees above outside temps at max. With such good air flow your plants will be able to handle the heat and flourish. Best to you bro! Sent from my VS980 4G...
  13. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    If ur referring to me then yes, its been a long hard stressful road figuring out GH growing but after redesigning mine to where im at now i believe i got it down now. Been in tripple digit weather and the GH is running smooth! She's 18'x20' with 10' ceilings, roll up sides, 30" intake thats...
  14. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    I agree, unless u have an industrial sized GH just pulling proper amounts of air through the GH will be fine. I agree PM is definitely something to avoid, it's a crop killer! Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  15. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Heres that calculator i had mentioned Sent from my VS980 4G using Rollitup mobile app
  16. BrownGuy420

    help cooling a greenhouse

    Hey bud greenhouses are awesome but a headache to dial in, this is yr3 on growing in GH's and have had to do a lot of reasearch....especially on cooling ur GH. It all really depends on how much u want to spend on cooling. Swamp cooling that beast will be expensive but if you have the funds then...
  17. BrownGuy420

    Greenhouse Ventilation

    Damn you Zest!!!! You are absolutely right on that the pipes need more support, I can definitely see where in time either side of the beam will sag. I will put up another beam on either side. Thanks a ton bro probably saved my thx for everyone else's advice too, this is why I...
  18. BrownGuy420

    Greenhouse Ventilation

    Thx Bugeye, ya I get snow here but its more or less in the way of a light dusting. The only issues I've had so far in the cold is after the summer my plastic has pretty much had it and it extremely brittle, so when it gets cold the plastic just wants to tear and crumble if it gets hit to hard. I...
  19. BrownGuy420

    Greenhouse Ventilation

    Ya I agree my roof should have gone up at least 6 more inches but so far all rain has ran right off of the roof so far....knock on wood! I really didn't think about the pvc and using the sch80 electrical stuff. My first hoop house the pvc lasted for 4 yrs and I am hoping for that here...
  20. BrownGuy420

    Greenhouse Ventilation

    Oh sweet that's exactly what I was looking for GB...Thx Ya I plan to have about 1'-2' opening at the bottom lined with bug screen on the sides of my GH that have the roll up sides so that the fan is bringing in air from the lower parts of the GH making for air movement under my girls as the ex...