I looked everywhere (My camera is Broke) No Pics.. Well- My leaves look like sum1 sprayed Battery ACid on my plants. I found NO dam bugs! It stayed on one plant and slowly went to others until I moved the plant.The others were fine again. I was confused as hell by that. There was NO BUGS until I...
I FINALLY found out what the culprits were! Granted it looks like someone sprayed battery acid on my Pot Leaves. What I did was- I put put a glue trap in between the two buds.
I found a bunch of bugs that look like fruit flies. (Dark Colored not red or grape) I couldnt find them when they WERE...
SO did anyone get to the bottom of this problem? I HAD a perfect harvest this year and need ONE- 2 more weeks. But My plants look like ACID has been splashed on them and I am Freaking the Hell out! I have cut EVERY Plant down SOON. I am going to have a terrible harvest and I may just quit after...