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  1. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    good to know, ive had the ac on for this week during the day, its been getting into the high seventies, were about to hit a 90 degree weekend coming up, im not ready to sweat my balls off again, i already went through the hottest and driest heat ever in the fall, god damn. I wish African weed...
  2. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    So from now on i am going to referring to my tomatoe plants by letter a-g currently. Everything is going real well in the grow room, my ladies are looking pretty, although a few are a little bit more yellow than a few, which is alright because they are still growing fine. Since last week ive put...
  3. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    I am a student living in the sinai peninsula, i study arabic and art. So your coming to the beautiful continent? Where you gonna be, i hope you like corruption, haha. I don't know if you understand what i mean, but you will. Keep tokin brother.
  4. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    haha yea man, dead serious, things can be shitty here, my first ballast almost melted from shitty wiring. I mean i replaced it for 10 us dollars but you know, it could have been bad, i don't want to start a fire in my building, fire exits are blocked by garbage and cat nests. Yes nests, i think...
  5. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    I only used the water bottle bottoms because of no other choice, and yea i am transporting the rest that make the grade next friday. No the soil, is peat, silt, and crumbled styrofoam
  6. AveryPetrol

    Africa grow 2008(Pics) But ofcourse.

    Well this is my first time growing really, and lo and behold i am living in africa. Sounds cool right? Yea it is pretty cool, but finding reliable growing supplies has been a hassle. A fucking hassle. So i guess i'll start and tell you all what ive got. Ive got: 3x1.5 feet closet. Fan. White...
  7. AveryPetrol

    Need help adice

    Pictures? Any information?
  8. AveryPetrol

    This is a male right? (PICS)

    Ooooh dicks, make honey oil, butane distillation is indiscriminate with sex, it only like thc.
  9. AveryPetrol

    Paintings Inspired by Surreal Experiences.

    o cmon now, florescent paint? Thats just cheesy, but a black light and florescent candles turned into a candle sculpture, now that is cool, to watch drip while you feel your own face dripping too.
  10. AveryPetrol

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    So far no problems anybody, my little guys are looving the new higher drainage environment. Haha i was try to figure out what was in my soil, and the guy i buy it from says it is beet, i thought that was just the word for soil, but o no, theres no p in arabic so p becomes b, i was like ooooooo...
  11. AveryPetrol

    Paintings Inspired by Surreal Experiences.

    Heres on more, it was more inspired by a powerful feeling of displacement i have felt many times before.
  12. AveryPetrol

    Paintings Inspired by Surreal Experiences.

    So these are some of my paintings inspired by those times when time is warped, "what makes sense?", and things that you certainly shouldn't be seeing surprise you out of the shadows.
  13. AveryPetrol

    Baraka Mineral water

    I am using a bottled water and i was wondering if the mineral composition of it would be a help to my plants. It contains: mg/1 calcium 66 magnesium 23.4 sodium 47 potassium:5 bicarbonates 313.5 sulphates 49 silica 24 t.d.s? 427 there is chlorine but i always let it sit out. I know there are a...
  14. AveryPetrol

    Seedlings curling under and loosing pigment.

    Can i have some real help please, it's kinda tough knowing a grower in africa, solid help is hard to come by.
  15. AveryPetrol

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    Thanks for the advice brothers.
  16. AveryPetrol

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    so is styrofome ok or not?
  17. AveryPetrol

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    good deal man, i can do styrofoam here.
  18. AveryPetrol

    Peanut Shells for Breaking up soil?

    Im living in a egypt currently and i can not find vermiculite or perlite for the life of me, could i use peanut shells that have been washed of salts to help with drainage.
  19. AveryPetrol

    Seedlings curling under and loosing pigment.

    I am in egypt man, i can't find real tiny pots, so i made some out of water bottles.
  20. AveryPetrol

    Seedlings curling under and loosing pigment.

    I am a new grower and i have tried to read up on everything i could. Im having problems with my seedlings, I originally planted 5 seeds in each pot and i have 4 pots, they are in a 2.5x2.5x4 foot closet with a 250 watt hps light about 2 feet away from the seedlings, I am afraid of heat. However...