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  1. J9BLACK

    Since this could help all the growers in Az

    We are trending away from social conservatism with every passing generation. Freedom, the absolute power to chose one's own path is as corrupting as any absolute power. In other words, we will get our desire to 'free the weed', but let's keep an eye on those who are constantly in power...
  2. J9BLACK

    I need meds-

    My grow equipment lies cold and mothballed waiting for the elimination of the 25 mile rule. I will most definitely be looking for clones then. Until that pipe dream comes true, I'll be content to just be a happy patient, if not grower. I am not a heavy consumer, and I am not a...
  3. J9BLACK

    Feds wont undo state's marijuana laws

    Remember that support for cannabis is only a few percentage points lower for Republicans. It is about age, and for that reason... The world is getting better.
  4. J9BLACK

    Feds wont undo state's marijuana laws

    Praise the Lord, but it's not enough. He needs to free those legitimate growers he put in prison for 20 years. What is the federal government's interest in drugged driving? We may pass on the Syrian War. The world is getting better right before our very eyes, though.
  5. J9BLACK

    Burnt Flowers

    Also, in a couple of weeks I will be switching to HPS. THANKS AGAIN. :clap:
  6. J9BLACK

    Burnt Flowers

    Thanks to all. Since I hadn't been adding anything to the soil, I didn't see the need to monitor PH. It was just a guess on my part, which is why I went straight to you all. I had accidentally left my light on for a couple of days last week, and the flowers were within six or eight inches of...
  7. J9BLACK

    Burnt Flowers

    The top cola looks burnt with yellowing leaves. I couldn't pin it down using the plant abuse chart. I suspect a PH imbalance. What the hell is wrong? The rest of this and my other pants are great.
  8. J9BLACK

    Attention: Azdhs recommendations of changes to the amma!!!

    It is too nice a day for paranoia and name calling. It sems to me that if anyone is growing for someone other than himself, he should already have these answers already in hand from the lawyer he already has on retainer. Really, it is [ill advised] to trust legal interpretations from a chat...
  9. J9BLACK

    Attention: Azdhs recommendations of changes to the amma!!!

    I don't want the government to care for me, just leave me and most of my money ALONE. We've become a state of alcoholic cowboys trying to keep out stoned Mexicans. How long has THIS been going on?
  10. J9BLACK

    DEA already saying they will not respect the Colorado and Washington Vote

    Last I checked the DEA wasn't busting patients and partiers. Busting US cartels and arch villains with silencers? That gets a thumbs up from me. There is something else going on with whom gets targeted. It has to be some weapons violation, revenue threshold, known criminal ties, money...
  11. J9BLACK

    DEA already saying they will not respect the Colorado and Washington Vote

    The ending of the article was dumb about Gov. Christine Gregoire. This is the same chick--along with Lincoln Chafee--that petitioned to have cannabis reclassified. It's probably incomplete and the web page title says, "DEA says Fuck you to Marijuana". Interesting. How about this... The DEA...
  12. J9BLACK

    Arizona Growers Thread

    Months away.
  13. J9BLACK

    Yay 2012

    I like the green leaf/flower logo in the background. These guys are RIGHT. They are doing it the right way.
  14. J9BLACK

    Wanna get rid of Arpaio? Or are you nuts?

    Has any *patient* been busted by Sheriff Joe since the AMMA took effect?
  15. J9BLACK

    Yay 2012

    Governments are revenue whores. Once the massive influx of people and money make Colorado Treasury coffers flush with cash, prohibitionists will get quieter. Trust me, governors and other policy makers are keenly aware of which states are losing headcount and which are gaining--and why. People...
  16. J9BLACK

    Yay 2012

    Time to move back to Colorado. Time for Barry the betrayer to make it right and reschedule.
  17. J9BLACK

    New AZ patient questions

    I could see the 1% having a lot of the cards. They are middle aged (45) successful and even self made. Many of them have legitimate health issues. The balance of the membership is highly intelligent if not educated, 20 somethings that are gladly growing for their dad's friends for equitable...
  18. J9BLACK

    Very un-American

    Protests? I think the last thing the movement needs IMHO is to look like the Occupy losers. Stepping up pressure means electing pro reform candidates, legal challenges and advocacy, and the courts. I found it embarrassing when Steph Sherer herself of the ASA was arrested during a civil protest...
  19. J9BLACK

    looking for electrician, west valley

    One reason for the amnesty push and other actions is that Big Gov hates an underground economy. It's hard to tax trades and cash only transactions.
  20. J9BLACK

    The Judge heard the case today to shut down the entire AMMA

    Re: Life with Cannabis When I came back to cannabis after it became legal, I bought pipes and bongs and didn't care for either. Vaping and edibles will accellerate main stream acceptance. If my wife had to put up with dirty bongs and reek, the cannabis would come to an end. I know, some...