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  1. D

    Weed is too dry to smoke?

    If you guys think it hasnt been cured right / flushed or any of these ideas, is there something I can do to test it or get it back to being smokable?
  2. D

    Weed is too dry to smoke?

    I didnt grow it so i dont know how it was cured...the part about it not burning might make it sound too wet, but in person it really looks too dry. It isnt really sticky at all and it feels dryer, doesnt really feel "wet".
  3. D

    Weed is too dry to smoke?

    Ok so I have some weed...not bad weed, but its just mids. It seems like it is too dry to smoke, but I don't know if that is really the problem. It feels really dry.... but so when I smoke in a bowl the fire doesnt really get to the middle of the bud, it just singes the edges and smokes around...
  4. D

    Weird feelings when I smoke...

    No history of anything...Im really pretty healthy. I've gotten all different kinds of weed from different people and friends, so theres no way the weed is laced. I usually smoke with other people too and their fine.
  5. D

    Weird feelings when I smoke...

    Yeah I have had good highs before a few times. But like half of the times I smoke its just weird and not fun. I don't take any other drugs (recreational or real medicines), I'm pretty healthy....I eat well and get a lot of excercise.
  6. D

    Weird feelings when I smoke...

    I'm kind of new to weed. I've smoked the first time about a year ago, and I've smoked 11 or 12 times total. When I smoke, most of highs are just weird and uncomfortable... I want to know what you guys is some of the stuff I have felt. I don't feel all of these every time or all at...