Search results

  1. ricphp

    How Do I Germinate In Soil?

    Plant your seed about 1cm deep in the soil. Cover lightly and then water the soil. Water quite well, but do not soak. Then cover the top with cling film. Wait for anything up to 10 days for the shoot to show although usually 5 days you will see life. Remove the cling film as soon as you see a...
  2. ricphp

    Green house seed co. ?

    Their seeds are fine.
  3. ricphp

    If SHTF, are you ready?

    I'm not sure that you would be able to live off the land if something that major happened. With the current attitudes in political leaders at this time, I'm quite certain that a press of a button from a trigger happy president/prime minister would trigger a nuclear bomb which in turn would...
  4. ricphp

    Abortion and Being Human

    There are many instances of women falling pregnant through no fault of their own. If a rapist impregnates a woman through no choice of her own, surely she must have the right to choose to have an abortion? Rare as this sort of instance is, it does happen. Everyone must have choice. Do you think...
  5. ricphp

    Music For Plants

    I am just over 3 weeks in to my first grow and have been playing various music to the plant. So far I have played Nucleus Roots, The Orb, Nine Inch Nails, Beastie Boys and Ott to name a few and my plant is looking very healthy. I am playing anything with a load of bass or energy behind it as...
  6. ricphp

    Green House Seed Co - Arjan's Haze #1, Ultra Haze #1 & White Widow

    Nice plants! I have just started my first grow using greenhouse white rhino. Just 10 days vegging at the moment so very early days for me and I'm counting the days already. Keep up the good work, you're a real inspiration for me.
  7. ricphp

    Do you think weed should be legal?

    Personally I feel that all drugs should be legalized. Any problems that may be associated with drugs, problems that typically are associated with "harder" drugs can be dealt with in a much more positive manner than simply trying to lock people up. There are many positive reasons for taking drugs...
  8. ricphp

    What Song are you listoning to right now?

    Ott - Skylon
  9. ricphp

    How do?

    It's a feminized seed. I got myself 5 female seeds. Only wanted to start with the 1 as it's my first grow and if it goes ok I want to know I might get something off it.
  10. ricphp

    How do?

    Just saying hi to everyone out there. Joined up recently as I have just started my first grow and stumbled on this site while researching. I'm starting off with a single plant (white rhino) in soil which is 2 weeks old today. Currently under a single 25w 6400k cfl which will be doubled later...