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  1. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    Yes they are 23 watts, but I'm willing to bet that it's going to be more than enough for me for my first grow... not a waste of time. I think you need to step back and quit sippin so hard on the Haterade.....
  2. ardalee

    First Time Grow - Aerograden

    Looks pretty good so far, but what I would do is ditch the lights that came with the aerogarden and go buy 4 100 watt cfls. Buy two warm tone ones and two blue toned ones. I think they are called natural light and daylight or something... anyway use those and get them way closer to the plants...
  3. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    Well guys sorry for the very long delay since my last update. I've been in and out of town. Anyway, the babies are looking great! And I've got some sex pictures for you! Yeah porn! I think we ended up with 2 females and one male in the aero so far. I'm going to pluck the male and put one...
  4. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    I'm looking for a light setup. the only problem is the limited space in the current location for the hps. But I'm considering it, I'm just a little worried about the heat its going to generate. But yes as jointmcfatty explained, my 4 100 watt cfls are really only pulling using like 92 watts...
  5. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    Thanks dude! I really appreciate it! I was planning on putting mylar in there originally but I didn't have any at the time I put the box together, so I used aluminum foil figuring it would be an ok substitute. I will try and change that out. As you can see the babies are looking better! I...
  6. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    My Baby's are booming now!!! I think it was just the initial shock of transplant. I have them on a 12/12 cycle now and I put in the nutrient tab that came with the aerogarden. Everybody talks about how not to use em, but heck I didn't have time to run to get the foxfarm or general hydroponics...
  7. ardalee

    Aerogarden CFL Grow with Pics!!!

    Hey guys, I'm doing a new grow in a Aerogarden I bought the other day. I transferred 3 of my soil grown plants into the aerogarden system. They have been in there for about three days now. Two of them are looking a little rough. I've included pictures. I need some help, I think it's...
  8. ardalee

    How Much Does White Widow Hydro Sell For?

    How much does white widow hydro sell for by the pound, ounce, etc, etc? Plus, How long does it take to grow... Germination to Harvest? I'm looking at doing one round from seed, then cultivating mothers to clone from in the following crops to come. I'm a long time smoker, experienced...