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  1. 4

    Alabama could be a legal MMJ state soon

    yep thats true the baby boomers that are in office in our state are too bible belt but i hope it dose get passed im looking to start a collective if it dose
  2. 4

    starting a new grow

    LOL 10-4
  3. 4

    starting a new grow

    where can you the those bulbs/lamps
  4. 4

    starting a new grow

    thanks every one for the information im not looking for anything major just to grow for personal smoke
  5. 4

    starting a new grow

    the closet is about 14 by 4 wide and im working with about 140$ i have all the seeds alredy
  6. 4

    starting a new grow

    im looking to start a new grow in a closet my last one didnt turn out good didnt have the proper lamps etc im asking yall the people where can i get good heating lamps etc like a website i have paypal money or i would buy them from a hardware store and what type of dirt should i use :peace:
  7. 4

    First time growing

    something is starting go wrong with my pplant at the top bout a inch or so is starting to bend in one dirction its got 4 leafs 2 big ones and 2 small ones
  8. 4

    Compliant or Not, DEA will bust you

    only reason people think its bad is cause its legal same thing went on with alcohol but we all know its bad for you ron paul
  9. 4

    First time growing

    posted a update at what stage will i be able to tell the sex of the plant??
  10. 4

    First time growing

    aight nah its not one of the big bulbs its pretty small used it as a bath room lite it puts off alot of heat i was kinda thinking the same thing on the 24/7 thing thanks for the info
  11. 4

    First time growing

    18-6 inches? is it diffrent if your useing diffrent type of bulbs?
  12. 4

    First time growing

    it stays pretty warm in there i can always crack the door to let it vent out think about switching the bulbs and i have it about 5-7 inches from the plant but thanks for the info :)
  13. 4

    Thursday Night Chop Down!

    you got some sexy ass plants tell me how they smoke :)
  14. 4

    4 days after planting, how do they look

    nice my palnt is starting to look almost like yours its only been 2 days since i planted :p
  15. 4

    First time growing

    aight i'll start on a 24 hour peroid tommrow thanks
  16. 4

    First time growing

    think itl be okay with a floresnt bulb they put off alot of heat plus it has the heating vent in the closet
  17. 4

    First time growing

    this is my first grown i planted my seedling on the 11th oct 2011 now i have a lil stem sticking up with 2 nice lil leafs out of 4 seeds its the only one that sprouted hopeing its a female rep to who ever gives advice and thanks head of time seed-type kush soil-topsoil its the soft dirt...
  18. 4

    when to plant seeds

    well thanks for all the information i stuck my seed in some top soil 2 days ago now i have a nice lil steam sticking up with 2 leafs on it i'll let the dirt come to almost a crust dry then wet it down again with a water bottle im post pics of it asap :) im messing with the lighting right now...
  19. 4

    when to plant seeds

    okay buddy thanks for all the info my first grow im excpting them to die D:
  20. 4

    when to plant seeds

    that makes me happy lol been waiting for them to pop open when i plant them i just push my thumb in the soil afew cm then cover them? and how long should i wait to water since ive been germ them in a moist rag in a cool place?