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  1. T

    Reviving the Dead 2

    where can I get superthrive? Will the constant light help them more or do they need a break ? Oh and could someone dumb it down a little for me on the nutes? I have lots of diff stuff like 9 - 12 - 5 , 10 - 10 - 10 , 12 - 40 - 12, etc. Thx
  2. T

    Reviving the Dead 2

    You realize i already transplanted them into soil right? Other than that at this point I have them under constant light. The nutes I have are 3 part solutions, some are MG products, some are root and bloom (high middle number) liquids, etc. What numbers are best for a healing process?
  3. T

    Reviving the Dead 2

    OK so will it HELP these to keep constant light on them? Can you be more specific about light nutes? Oh and swapping the H20 in that AG wasnt going to help without hydro specific nutes, least that what I was told. Esp seeing that they looked shittier every passing day, ya know?
  4. T

    Reviving the Dead 2

    OK i had these plants in an AeroGarden that someone gave me. Couldnt get the pH right fast enough or the right nutes - SO - I have swapped them to soil. Thing is - they are REALLY shitty looking - pretty much all the leaves dead but they have some green left in the stem. I topped a coulple of...
  5. T

    Reviving the dead?

    Have pics on the way - they still sending from cell - One is just like 10 incles tall, stem about the size of your little finger. that oine is pretty green all the way up, no leaves at all, and I did top about 1/4 inch already. What about nutes and lights foir now?
  6. T

    Reviving the dead?

    OK i had these plants in an AeroGarden that someone gave me. Couldnt get the pH right fast enough or the right nutes - SO - I have swapped them to soil. Thing is - they are REALLY shitty looking - pretty much all the leaves dead but they have some green left in the stem. I topped a coulple of...
  7. T

    Purple Stems

    Little help here....????
  8. T

    Purple Stems

    Dudes thanks SO much for the quick inputs. Guess i had just been posting in the wrong place huh. OK - well - being the noob grower, I was told to go ahead and 12/12 these. I really didnt think they were ready to flower - not much there TO flower, ya know. They are too tall and not bushy enough...
  9. T

    Purple Stems

    so what should i put on them now ? I have lots of regular gardening nutes...
  10. T

    Purple Stems

    Stems turuning purple - nute burn? Ph level? Both maybe? I am grwoing in AG if that helps. Please help b4 they die. I have been posting in the AG section and no replies. so in a panic i flushed the reservior in case they are over-fed, at this point i couldnt just leave it like it was. My plants...
  11. T

    Clone and start over?

    OK how about just tell me what causes the purpling from the top? Thats the way my 1st one went down and now the others are doing the same? Nutes? Flush water ?? please help ...???
  12. T

    Clone and start over?

    Aight most of these are looking worse - droopy leaves, tiny bit of yellowing on some leave edges. Can someone PLEASE advise before they all just die? sigh....
  13. T

    Clone and start over?

    well it would be inpossible to plant it outside at my house - although i discussed exactly that same thing with my buddy who has ample woods to put it. OK if so, isnt it to early to transplant it? Are there other preps that need to be done to swap from water to soil? Deers are abundant in those...
  14. T

    Clone and start over?

    OK 1st i admit to being a noobie grower - everyone was at one time right? Anyway, the plants I have now are sorta just not right for the AG - they been pruned all wrong, pH been all to hell, nutes have been God knows what b4 I got this - some went to hell just because - but some look great but...
  15. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    OK i suppose i am ready started flowering, and after what i have read in the main aero forum it should have started WAY sooner and the plants been WAY shorter. Not much i could have done about either of those. Most plants are right at 11 inches, one is getting bushy and the other that WAS...
  16. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    what an asshole - i SAID the AG cost me nothing - did i say the nutes were free? Never mind i already HAD a shelf - full of em for other gardening. And btw - yes the plants were FREE cause ( like i said in the first post) THEY WERE ALREADY IN IT and growing. duuuurrrr. See dude, wasnt that i got...
  17. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    well i was asking for positive advice, not your negativity. Oddly enough, there are TONS of posts and links and pictures showing success with this setup, assuming some modifications, which was kinda the advice i was looking for. I will try my best to sleep in light of your comments...
  18. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    ok i cbanged the water and added some 10 - 10 - 10 - not a lot - anyone tell me what ratio os good? Any suggestions why this one plant took a nose dive? It was my second biggest. Any other questions I had in the first post are still out there - thx for any and all advice....
  19. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    Oh - when i get this Ph tester, should i test fresh tap water and then just dump whats in the AG and re-add nutes? Is that 10-52-10 going to be what I need?
  20. T

    Inherited Aero - need hlp

    Hey and thanks for a sweet site. Yeah I am very noobie but i have read about as much as I can absorb for the moment. I will get some pics posted asap, but let me tell you what my inherited setup is like now, and maybe someone can help me until then. OK this AG has 6 cups going - 3 have 1 each...