Nusky prob is that some of the people i have over sometimes are fam trying to keep them from snooping around looking for shit. Thats why right now im limited to doing only one plant, cuz i know its not going to reek as bad as doing 2 or more
Thanks for the feedback ill probably go with a good Air Purifier and just incase thats not enouph ill buy a couple ClenAir Odor Neutralizing Air Freshener. Now i know ima need lights pots soil and all that good stuff but what would be ideal and energy sufficiant for a small grow like im tryin to do?
Ok so guys thanks in advance!! First time grower been around weed for a long time but never got around to growing. Pretty much tryin to grow 1 personal plant. The delema is that i live in a one room apartment and dont want to reek it up, just cause i sometimes have people over and dont want them...