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  1. ClosetFactory

    Haven't been here in a while but I'm back with pics!

    Spent a year doing hydro, had a few pretty girls but this one I was particularly proud of =]
  2. ClosetFactory

    burnt tips

    Kinda weird, they're extremely healthy and growing fast, I just clipped the burnt growth and everything is looking good. Hopefully all remains well.
  3. ClosetFactory

    burnt tips

    Hi everybody, my plants need help! Two plants, bagseed, hydroponic setup, indoors closet, advanced nutrient grow/micro/bloom liquid ferts, 1:1:1 solution, 110 watt florescent fixture, 18/6 light cycle, two weeks into grow. Here's the problem: The tips of the largest oldest fan leaves are...
  4. ClosetFactory

    Its a girl!

    Its a girl! Backyard dirt, bagseed, 2 42w 2700k CFL, and lots of love. Pictures! Few weeks into 12/12.
  5. ClosetFactory

    Sensi skunk 57 days in flowering (picts)

    Uhhhh son! thats some danky for sure congrats!
  6. ClosetFactory

    Second grow

    Picture time! It eats me up inside, I have a creeping suspicion that there going to turn out male, but one can always hope...
  7. ClosetFactory

    Second grow

    K so this is my second attempt at growing. Two plants, bagseed, regular ass dirt from my back yard, all natural sunlight. I visit them every day and water them, there going on 15 days now and looking quite healthy. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
  8. ClosetFactory

    TIPS for everyones 08 grow

    Unless there on your roof... In which case you shit your pants when you hear a helicopter lol.
  9. ClosetFactory

    I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.

    Wow good job BillyBob thats gonna be a wicked harvest! How far into flowering are you so far?