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  1. one man

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Shout out to the community - yup from the self indulgence centre of the country :clap: when it comes to my meds yeah baby i'm as self indulgent as they get.:hump:
  2. one man

    Super good black soil with bad drainage. Possible ideas?

    If your down hill or in a valley you will have permanent problems. If you are on a slop then the water runs down hill and won't collect. It sounds more like a collection problem that would need to be irrigated - like under the gravel lay a 3 -4 inch plastic pipe more tan 10 feet long based on...
  3. one man

    Best grown plant ive seen here in a long time!!!

    Some of the best plants are the ones from raoches that have had a seed in it tossed in the ground ad left alone. 3-4 months later and NICE. Baby your plants and your screwing with them just give em what they need and leave em alone..
  4. one man

    First time grow Seeking some answers.

    Get some pure Sheep Manure - Home Depot. The soil is usually sterilized so no pests or mold problems. Sheep manure is High in Nitrogen. This will give you a base that has the plants grow fast. For nutes - www. your nutes should be used for the various stages 20-20-20 is a good all...
  5. one man

    Welcome New Members!

    You gotta know your strain Sativa or Indica too much water they grow TALL if the leaves are a little crackely and going brown time to water. Daily watering not needed most of the time if there is no rain for a long time like lawns then water. Too many trips to it an tip off something is afoot