wish i read this earlier :( i just cut like 10 leaves off cos a lamp dropped on it but they werent even black just a bit wiltered....does cutting off leaves effect the flowering process, i mean if one fan leave is off on one side, and the other symmetrical one is there, will the area without the...
yusssssssh lol now this means no more buyin weed! when do you think itll be all done and ready for harvest? this is like 3 weeks and a few days from sprouting now
no day light here mean light hours are from 9 in the morning to 4 in the evening and apparanly were headin into the worst winter for liek 20 years! any adivce given is appreciated though thanks! ill kepp yas posted ill put up some pics as soon as i find the dam usb cord for my camera!
yeah i know i would but the reason why hes letting me grow is because weed here is so hard to get i live in a sort of country place, i have made friends with a lot off ppl who can get it but recently there was a raid on the main supply a few towns away, they found like 10,000 plants i saw it on...
we talked for liek 2 hours..i kinda of did cry a little bit, he gave me a hug saying he didnt know about it before and understands...compared to the first 5 minutes of saying? where did you ever get drugs from? who? ..but all is fine now he said he wont move the plant and dont push his luck any...
ok sure thing, when i get my phone up or ill take on on a camera wil lhave one up by tomorrow...its not the best though im working with 3 little 21w cfls....you think thats enough for the whole growth though?
its ok guys...he confrontd me, we had a huuuuuge talk and ebate and he realized how much i need it! thanks for the help anyways! im now the happiest guy alive my mum and dad letting me grow my medicine :D but shhhh...dont tell anyone ;) its an autoflower called angelmatic from inistry of...
thanks racerboy, yeah thankfully she is, she used to smoke back in the 80s and she knows the facts, the worse thing is my dad is a total hypocrite and drinks every bloody night, has had 2 heart attacks for being obese too....i love him n all but right now there is a soure to cure all my...
ok marijuana helps me so much....i am growing in my parents house, my mum is fine with it she knows how much it helps me, it is my first grow btw 3 weeks in, my dad who is old fashioned found it...wants it out the house but is waiting until i confront him about it as my mum told me...my mum says...