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  1. G

    Tilray New Releases at Even Higher Prices -- Despicable.

    Well, if a strain takes longer to mature, you can assume it costs more (worker attention, electricity, nutrients over that extended flower period). Unfortunately, $14 a gram is probably way over what the costs were to the company plus modest profit - unless they're running a very inefficient...
  2. G

    Registered Nurses Needed for MJ Research Journal

    I'm finishing my Ph.D. in a research intensive molecular medicine program. I'd be interested in hearing more about your prospective journal, including your focus.
  3. G

    moldy meds from Tilray

    Just as a note, mould spores would already be there and they just need the proper conditions to grow.
  4. G

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    I agree with itsmehigh regarding the UV exposure. You'd have to expose yourself to the UV directly to be an issue. My guess is your set up would be self contained and you'd never be at risk for accumulating exposure to the rays. Pyrimidine dimers are a result of DNA being exposed to high...
  5. G

    MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

    This point is moot, because you're not passing yourself through the UV light sterilizer.... unless you're into that kind of thing....