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  1. josh4321

    Bubblegum 400w hps lots of pics

    Shit haven’t bumped this in a long time
  2. josh4321

    Club 600

    What’s going on guys haven’t been around for a long time but haven’t quit Here’s what’s going right now lemon og fpog
  3. josh4321

    TGA 9 Pound Hammer?

    I had no hermie issues with mine on 2nd run
  4. josh4321

    Club 600

    I'm putting rabbits and quails in my back yard in the spring can't have chickens in the city
  5. josh4321

    Club 600

    Meat rabbits or pets
  6. josh4321

    Club 600

    Yea all from one day it still hasn't stopped I'll take another pic when I get home from work
  7. josh4321

    Club 600

    @jigfresh check out the close up of the 9 pound hammer
  8. josh4321

    Club 600

    The snow can fuck off 12hr of snow and still hasn't stopped
  9. josh4321

    Club 600

  10. josh4321

    Club 600

    Anyone wanna guess what yeild will be
  11. josh4321

    Club 600

    I thjnk the 9# might be done at 7 weeks
  12. josh4321

    Club 600

    Couple lights out shots day 42 today
  13. josh4321

    Tga 9# hammer & ripped bubba

    More posting in the 600club wasn't much going on here lol how did the Pepsi machines work out for you
  14. josh4321

    My Super Soil Grow JTR/SC/GC

    What's going on bro did the same thing took some time but now I'm back good to see you around
  15. josh4321

    Tga 9# hammer & ripped bubba

    Week 5
  16. josh4321

    Club 600

    Group shot with 9 pound hammer macro Ripped Bubba
  17. josh4321

    Club 600

    Should toss in a 90 bag and see how much better the 70 gets
  18. josh4321

    TGA 9 Pound Hammer?

    Left and back are 9 pound hammers two keeper phenos out of a 5 pack of first release
  19. josh4321

    Club 600

    Man I love the 9 pound
  20. josh4321

    Club 600

    Mine never wilt like that but have seen it they should be fine