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  1. st0wner

    Reciculation DWC Build

    ppm is nutes. so you can measure tap water at a certain ppm depending on where you live. then how ever much nutes ou put in will raise it. i believe so anyways. idk about rwdwc sorry
  2. st0wner

    can you over super crop?

    the only down side is the plant has to use some energy to heal its self so i guess it wouldnt be usful in flowering? idk just speculating
  3. st0wner

    pc grow box help!!!

    your going to get airy bud because of your lack of light. the more light the denser the buds. or even the right type of light can be beter. i dont think your fan caused the problem at all.
  4. st0wner

    SweetLeaf's 240W Blackstar LED Autoflower Grow

    hey so i just got a 270w led no name brand because im cheap and it was retarded fast shipping lol. i ordered it one day they shipped it the next it was here the 3rd day :D so far so good but realisticly i havent put a clone under it yet to compair growth. i plan on getting a couple 180w...
  5. st0wner

    My buds dried for too long help

    spraying bleach on it???? and you would smoke dried bleach? oh sorry cured bleach?
  6. st0wner

    My buds dried for too long help

    help how? i dont believe you can do anything that will make it to cure. sucks bro but you leanr for future.
  7. st0wner

    okay new tled and need help with hieght

    lol a side boob:P
  8. st0wner

    okay new tled and need help with hieght

    i hade an idea for vert and came up with this but i changed it to being over top of the corner plants and raised my 400hps back up to where it was.
  9. st0wner

    New Led Or Not ?

    yes hes going to do his own comparative grow to determine weather or not he wants to sell it based on the results then he plans on getting someone els to do a comparitive grow to help out his rep if it works the way he wants it to. so if it doesnt work good enough to him then its not even going...
  10. st0wner

    New Led Or Not ? first idea
  11. st0wner

    In the beginning, there was..

    damn i subbed up for this one :)
  12. st0wner

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    here are my two girls at 12/12 they started in dec so about 8 weeks in now
  13. st0wner

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    you want something constuctive. read cause thats the best thing to do on the web is read. thats the best way to learn other then hands on.
  14. st0wner

    First Dwc Grow From Seed

    his tea is a must have? i just use ph proper nute water lol and it works great but im interested so im going to check into that:P
  15. st0wner

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    lmfao no but apparently its a french bitch hostility site? fuck yourself im just saying stop using your tits as a way to get things done and be a fucking person
  16. st0wner

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    this isnt facebook i dont think anyone should care that your a girl. although im sure some do lol
  17. st0wner

    PC Grow: 1 x Low Girl Auto - ScrOG / 250W CFL

    um tbh i dont think a pc case is your best bet for a first grow. cfls yes but not the pc case. i suggest you make a box out of wood or use a cabbnit. pc grows are good for testing and learning with what you already know. the reason why is because the case will have great airflow and everything...
  18. st0wner

    1why is my plant wet?

    you saying get my humidity to 80? in flowering room?
  19. st0wner

    1why is my plant wet?

    thanks for the help guys.
  20. st0wner

    1why is my plant wet?

    the buckets dont bubble when the lights are off to avoid that problem