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  1. townbizz510

    Best way to dry & cure buds

    i've heard to hang them up or just leave in pot. also t o just leave it in a jar?:joint:
  2. townbizz510

    Whats The Best Club In Fremont

  3. townbizz510

    What Medical Strain should i Get?

    Got My card for a while now, Ive tried many strains, but i wonder what other ones should i get? Tried: -Blue Dream -Orange kush -Purple Kush bongsmilie
  4. townbizz510

    Things to Know About Lighting

    Great Post
  5. townbizz510

    Is Green Light Root Hormone a great hormone to use?

    I made 3 clones 2weeks ago and none of them have roots at all. i placed them in dirt , and under 24hr Florescent light. Now yesterday i made a single clone and covered it with a moisture dome, Hopefully it grows roots. i am going to buy jiffy pellets and a moisture dome with heating pad this...
  6. townbizz510

    How long dodes it take for a Clone to grow roots, Using only water?

    i took a cut of my ganja plant, but did not use any root hormones. Its been about 5 days, just when will it show form of roots growing ?:leaf: