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    is there a hydro soil?? or am i looking at this all wrong??

    I recently discovered a video he grows in soil for the medium in a dwc method basically, has any one ever done this or had success, there is a small thread on RIU diving into HYDROSOIL as it will be coined
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    what is so ridiculous?, have you tried a similar set-up with complete catastrophe? doesn't sound like your being too intellectually honest so ridiculously cheap
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    oh and in the picture, apwp is air powered water pump
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    im still working on figuring out if adding the ebb and flow would be a good idea or not, also whether the bell siphon would take the soil with it, im planning on using just an air pump, i think ive seen designs of using air pumps to pump water, but ill have to look into that a little bit more...
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    HydroSoil- Air Injection Technology

    i just discovered this technology and think it has potential to be amazing, it is essentially organic hydro, the ease and resilience of soil, with the speed and constant/easy watering of hydro. I think i am going to create an ebb and flow table with diy AIT(air injection technology) in the top...
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    bud picks, fillin up nicely seems to be growing well sas is bushy and also fillin in but proly a week behind, happy livin' :joint:
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    new pictures! 69 is looking great gonna be moving her to another place soon, but will eventually get a clone back in this box of her. the SAS is looking ver bunchey and growing well it could have something to do with the led light i have above her, maybe the strain, all looks well in the leaves...
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    Lst?? Auto flower??

    o ya i had the same idea and accidentally ordered too many auto seeds. so low and behold i am lsting my 2 autos, for two reasons its my first grow, and i think it will make the auto yield way more worthwhile in my stealthy box ill know in like 40 days how it went for now you can follow along
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    Nov 6 almost a month in temps are around 80 spiking occasionally to 90 when heat turns on, autos looks beautiful, sas is really catchin up, and the TBM is flowering and there are about 5 decent sized shoots from the LST plus the top cola, should be a great smoke already has some long white...
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    thanks for the support looking really healthy today will post pics probably tomorrow again i like to see the progress So far i think the only thing that LST has done to the plants is dramatically increase growth in what would be the lower sections of the plant
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    1st time grow. PC Case Autoflower LST

    looks great how was the harvest im trying to grow some autos with lst and it is also my first grow check it out
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    Here are some up dates built in white fan on bottom to add intake to try to control heat but now im thinking it is a lack of exhaust since i now have 2-3 time more intake than exhaust and i seem to be around 80-86 degrees , overall growth is well and healthy except for some spotting that im not...
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    low stress trainging auto ak47's lst

    im a little earlier along than this about 20 days but ive been lsting for a week and it seems to be improving growth all over the plant trying auto lst contrary to belief check out my grow
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    To be Clear the purpling seems to be on both plants and is isolated to the top sides of the stems
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    Stealthy CFL GRO Auto LST

    Hello Community, This is my first grow and first posting on this site, i have been doing some re search and using this site as a guide, there is so much good information and help available to all levels of growers. this brings me to the point, the grow journel since this is my first grow im...