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  1. G

    ya thats all i got now im deciding on gettin the blue diesel or sum white widdow

    ya thats all i got now im deciding on gettin the blue diesel or sum white widdow
  2. G

    just the box

    just the box
  3. G


    Mini Mortgage Lifter please help me out send me a message with the info or just post plleeeeeeez help 1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage? is there a...
  4. G

    First Time Grow

    1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage? is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time? what lights should i use...
  5. G

    need help mini mortgage lifter

    please when u get the word let me know
  6. G

    1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2...

    1st time grower and i need like all the help as posssible so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage? is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time? what lights should i use...
  7. G

    would you keep the same light thruout the whole grow or do you think is better to have different...

    would you keep the same light thruout the whole grow or do you think is better to have different lights like in veggie and different in flowring? do you think 2 1000 watts will be too much for the little space
  8. G

    need help mini mortgage lifter

    thank you very very much PANHEAD so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage? is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time? what lights should i use during that stage and how...
  9. G

    need help mini mortgage lifter

    thank you very very much PANHEAD so as soon as i have my seeds ready 2 plant what should i feed it to make sure it gets everything it needs at that stage? is there a different temperature and humidity level that i need at that specific time? what lights should i use during that stage and how...
  10. G

    need help mini mortgage lifter

    i will post as soon as i get a chance to ya it kame wit some but i wanna know if i shud go with advanced nutrients i still dnt even have my seeds i wanna knw if sumwun kan help me as far as how shud i feed da seeds n da whole process from begining to end ima newb and dont wanna fukk up.....i gt...
  11. G

    need help mini mortgage lifter

    i have a 19 plant mini mortgage lifter set up from sulight solutions wanna know what would be the best nutrients during veggie stage and flowering money is not daa issue please help me out......i got 2 600 watt hps......wut shud be my humidity level?.....if i want to lower the temperature at...
  12. G

    are you feeding it the nutes that it kame wit???? do u still got da 400watt set up??

    are you feeding it the nutes that it kame wit???? do u still got da 400watt set up??
  13. G

    is it any good

    is it any good
  14. G

    and do yuu have the 400's or did u upgrade 2 600 or 1000

    and do yuu have the 400's or did u upgrade 2 600 or 1000
  15. G

    aye wuz wondering how is your grow going what exaktly are you growin and what are you feeding i...

    aye wuz wondering how is your grow going what exaktly are you growin and what are you feeding i know your wunderin wtf y am i askin u all this is kuz im plannin on gettin the same thing and wanna know if its worth it and does it really grow as much as it says it does