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    Some nice fresh bud I got

    The name: I have no idea The smell: fruity scent with a hint of skunk The taste: fruity taste (tastes good and isn't harsh on lungs) The bud's texture: soft The potency: Strong! I got fucked up from only 2 hits (picture as much smoke as 2 cigarette drags) Usally when I get soft bud it's moldy...
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    Question For Growers

    I don't know really it's hard to tell kinda fruity maybe and it smells fruity and the smoke when burned smells almost like a skunk but not really
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    Question For Growers

    Yeah I smoked it. It is pretty good actually i got stoned for about 20 minutes then 20 minutes of being just high then buzzed for 20 so about an hour if I took 2 of my mini bong hits. If I took like 4, 5, or 6 hits I get blitzed for 2 hours, stoned for like 10 minutes (blitzed is better) then...
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    Does a Cigarette Relieve your Headache

    LOL I smoke cigs it usally causes my headaches
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    Question For Growers

    Just so you have a better idea these are broken into small peices just zoomed in this is my weed: does it look ok
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    Weed & Xanax

    You should save your xanax! Just drink some alcohol with your smoke and it will be the same as xanax. BUT TOO LATE NOW don't drink with xanax that is bad
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    Xanax is a class of medication called benzodiazepines. All benzodiazepines even the weaker ones you could get addicted to. To tell you the truth, I've abused benzos in my days and I've never been addicted to them. But then again I didn't use them every day. If by some chance you do (not saying...
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    Question For Growers

    Every time I get weed I notice sticky white stuff near the stem of the weed. There isn't a whole ton of it but I notice some whiteness on the ends of the stem making the weed fairly soft. What is this stuff? Is it naturaly produced to make the bud stick to the stem? or what is it. I just want to...
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    Do not smoke crazy eyes! This shit will kill you!!

    So I ran out of weed and my dealer was out of town for a week right? So I decided to stop by a headshop and pick up some incense and I found just the thing called crazy eyes. Well this shit fucked me up so badly that my heart was prob beating as if I was running 7 miles an hour on a treadmill...
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    Dont Smoke k2 or any of that Synthetic shit

    So I ran out of weed and my dealer was out of town for a week right? So I decided to stop by a headshop and pick up some incense and I found just the thing called crazy eyes. Well this shit fucked me up so badly that my heart was prob beating as if I was running 7 miles an hour on a treadmill...
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    New weed I got

    I realized that too when I got it. It could be incense? But its a lot stronger than most weed and lasts for hours and hasn't killed me yet so oh well
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    New weed I got

    (Flash Off) (Flash On) I've never tried this stuff until recently. From what I can tell it smells kinda fruity (not when burned). When burned its hard to describe but you know that planty smell that weed has when burned it smells like that. The best way to describe the stuff is smelling kinda...
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    Is this a real strain?

    Thanks for the info
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    Is this a real strain?

    I smoked 8 hits yesterday and I got way too high. I felt exactly trippy, paranoid, I was too lazy to get up off the couch, I had extreme cottonmouth, every time I drank some grape drink mix I ran out of breath like a massive panic attack. But when I smoke just the right amount I get a perfect...
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    Is this a real strain?

    It depends on how much you smoke. From a few nice hits in a one hitter it lasts like 1 hour of a very good high and then it starts slowly weakening and the high is gone within 2:30 hours maybe. Sometimes I still feel buzzed after hours if i smoke a ton though.
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    Is this a real strain?

    I've got this from somebody and it's a very powerful high unlike other weed you only need a few hits to get blitzed pretty good. I'm worried that it might be a little to powerful is this stuff laced? Is it legit weed? Is it even possible to make it synthetic and look just like regular weed...
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    What strain do I have? Is it Afghan Kush?

    Does anybody else think this looks good
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    What strain do I have? Is it Afghan Kush?

    Thanks for all the replies. To answer your question I don't know who I get it from myself. Just a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy.
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    What strain do I have? Is it Afghan Kush?

    Hi, I have some weed that I got that looks a lot like afghan kush to me. It smells very very strong like fruit and the taste is kind of the same. I have some pictures can somebody tell me if its really afghan? Is it some BS K2? or what. Effects (Not smoking too much): Very focused, relaxed...