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  1. R

    How Much Weed?

    why do you keep posting in this thread if it's just to make stupid comments? i'm asking politely asking for a bit of advice.
  2. R

    How Much Weed?

    if anyone would like to not waste their time, and help answer the question posed, that'd be great.
  3. R

    How Much Weed?

    thanks for the very helpful advice.
  4. R

    How Much Weed?

    Hey all, planning on making my own flapjacks for the first time. i'll make cannabutter, but most recipies i've found only have that for large amounts of weed. it takes me about half a gram to get stoned, should I put the same amount I would to smoke it in per flapjack, or more? Cheers.
  5. R

    Bit of advice needed with soil for first time grower please. USING AUTO..

    Just had a proper look at the multi purpose soil I had and it has a PH level of 5.5-6.0. Will this be bad for my autos? Would using BioBizz all mix or John innes 2 be alot better? If I use the Biobizz all mix, reckon I could go without feeding during vegetative stage as I've read autos really...
  6. R

    Bit of advice needed with soil for first time grower please. USING AUTO..

    hey, cheers for getting back. yeah planning on doing a mini diary with pics so will be sure to post that here if anyone's interested.. do you reckon i should feed or hold back on the feeding for the veg state, seeing as my soil already has a small amount of ferts?
  7. R

    Bit of advice needed with soil for first time grower please. USING AUTO..

    Hello everyone, First time grower here, planning on maybe growing a Auto Northern Lights, or Samsara Thunder Bloody Mary , but not decided on the seed just yet. I have some 'Multi purpose compost soil with added John Innes' - will this be fine for the plant from start to finish? My plan is...
  8. R

    Help with first time grow please..

    cool, yeah if anyone has experience with growing in allmix, please answer here! thanks
  9. R

    Help with first time grow please..

    Hi, I know that you shouldn't feed the seedlings, but can you plant the germinated seeds straight into Bio bizz all mix? (Full question is above for anybody who has experience with Bio Bizz All Mix..)
  10. R

    Help with first time grow please..

    Hello all, First time grower here looking for a bit of advice. I've searched the forums already and had some questions answered, but theres a few i couldn't find answers to so i'll ask em here.. hopefully someone will be kind enough to help. I'm planning on growing 1 plant, a Feminized...