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  1. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Woke up this morning to a better sight than I expected. Plant 1 was a male very disappointing, but plants 2,4,and 5 are females. I will post picks as soon as my camera clearly shows them.
  2. G

    1st Grow Ever

    A few close ups of plants 1 and 4. I hope this means that they're females! The first four are one plant and the last two are plant four. I couldn't see this on the others. One of the others seems to be starting but the two that were topped due to accidents don't show a signs of budding yet.
  3. G

    1st Grow Ever

    So had a few complications but managed to fix them I was using spring water and it has a high ph. Flushed and translplated to forever homes (baby formula cans). I have been doing research on 12/12 from seed and have decided to flower early because of space issues. Here are some updated pics...
  4. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Here are the pics from the 11th when they started lookin better from the lights burn. And below are pics from today. I gave them 48 hrs of Co2 and I think I am gonna keep it up. They look great for being 20 days old. I'm currently running an 18/6 light schedule.
  5. G

    First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

    I have a cfl grow going right now and my babies are only a week and a half ahead of urs. The thing I wouold say is watch out for light burn in your cabinet. Mine got too hot becauseI had too many cfls. I had 8 23 watt on 7 plants aboout 4 inchs from the plants. i took out 2 and they look good...
  6. G

    1st Grow Ever

    The little ones are doin great 4 have grown quit a bit the other 2 are still recoverthe light burn. I'm considering starting an 20/4 for a couple weeks since they are 2 wks today but im gonna do a little more research first. Will post pics later
  7. G

    First grow and my babies are dyin

    They look better now i think it was light burn i took out a couple cfls and they are doin fine. I lost 1 and have another that isn't lookin so good but we shall see.
  8. G

    First grow and my babies are dyin

    Ok Woke up went to see the little ones and they looked fried!! Yesterday they looked like good little seedlings. One was withered and crisp the others had crisp leaves. Some worse than others and one that was hardly burnt. I took out two of my lights. I think they have light burn. I'll post...
  9. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Ok Woke up went to see the little ones and they looked fried!! One was withered and crisp the others had crisp leaves. Some worse than others and one that was hardly burnt. I took out two of my lights. I think they have light burn. I'll post pictures tonight when I get off work. Is there any...
  10. G

    Seedling's first day under lights: first true leaves now yellow

    Looking good. Are you going to be doing this whole grow cfl or are you gonna switch to HID lighting?
  11. G

    1st Grow Ever

    So went to the store and got some more supplies. My mylar emergency blanket was not sticking well so I went and got a couple window shields and new cups. I like this setup better because it gives me more room. One of the babies was hit by a falling fan yesterday so I tied the fans down...
  12. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Will do gotta go to the store
  13. G

    FIRST GROW! Soil and a 400w mh/hps. PRAY FOR GIRLS!!!

    Your setup is dope. I'm comin along for the ride
  14. G

    1st Grow Ever

    It's cool loylty. Good easy knowledge is hard to come by. Thanks Jack for the advice it's always welcome.
  15. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Thanks Jack that helps out a lot.
  16. G

    1st Grow Ever

    Here are the pics from yesterday and today I added a little more soil ontop. Right now they are in solo cups with holes in the bottom and another underneath to catch the excess water. How do I determine when to translplant? I won't veg them for too long because of height restrictions and...
  17. G

    1st Grow Ever

    It's my first time doing this, I was just gonna use Herb I.Q to save it so I will use this instead. Feel free to comment but please remember this is the first time I'm doing this. Medium: Miracle grow potting soil with 6 month feed. Strain: Good Bagseed Date Germed: 11/24/11 I germed 12 in...