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  1. MidWestAlki

    Missouri is looking to do it!

    We Missourians will have a say in our State's marijuana laws and policies this November. Missouri's attitude: Let's just make it legal for thoae over 21. There was no strict language as far as I have read about how high the allowed 10x10' plot allotted on one's property for gardening will be...
  2. MidWestAlki

    topping questions

    Yeah DP... They throw "FEMALE" pollen on em and I throw FEMALE semen all the time in hopes of getting someone pregnant... Ass... When my females start producing pollen, I will let the world know what I have created... Until then I will use male pollen... (P.S. A hermaphrodite has both male...
  3. MidWestAlki

    topping questions

    HAHA! Maybe he is a baker lol
  4. MidWestAlki

    topping questions

    I have never topped the same day as changing the photo period, but don't see why one shouldn't. Definitely wouldn't do it if you already changed the photo period. I always top when she is about 8-10 nodes tall. I more recently began trying to clone my tops so I let em go to about 12-14. I...
  5. MidWestAlki


    Yep pretty much. The 5th is starting but not a small branch yet. You answered my q though, I wanted to know if I "could" clone the main stalk. I will go ahead and let her grow another week so I have more plant to deal w/. If she turns out to be a ruderalis cross strain, is cloning even...
  6. MidWestAlki


    Here she is
  7. MidWestAlki


    If I were to top at the 3rd set of nodes, could i go ahead and clone the top i cut? Will it work? Also, I was given a fire ass seed by an out of town buddy. The seed was passed to him by another buddy who said just grow it, trust me. I have no idea what strain it is. The plant is about 6"...
  8. MidWestAlki

    flowering question??

    Ah I see. In my own personal experience the light and the air transfer made the largest difference. I have grown in everything from miracle grow to Missouri black dirt. Only probs I ever had is playing with these damn sativas, and moving to indoor growing where the sun isn't an option lol...
  9. MidWestAlki

    Experienced Sativa Grower Please...

    So I am well on my way into flowering. Still not many milky trichs yet but starting to turn. I would say it's at about 20% milky. I have some clear amber trichs but none opaque or even cloudy. My main q is this: What in the hell with Sativa and pistil production? The entire plant went...
  10. MidWestAlki

    flowering question??

    Those little bulges that the pistils are portruding from are the "calyxes." These eventually swell up and form dense buds brother. The preflowers will shrivel and pull back. Where you are seeing those clusters of pistils is where your buds will form. They are there, just not big enough to...
  11. MidWestAlki

    Bag Seed For The Win.

    yes... it sure is.
  12. MidWestAlki

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    I never brought shit to school. I certainly wasn't selling at school. I was simply putting out info. 80% of people inducted into "The Judicial System" are affected for life, with many becoming a part of that system. Going to any institution, even for a very short period of time is...
  13. MidWestAlki

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    I forgot to ask if he already has a juvy record... This will make a HUGE impact on his case...
  14. MidWestAlki

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    He is a 17yr old minor which means he can be placed on adult probation. This means if he screws up they will put him in adult jail and charge him just the same. Luckily he is in the great state of Cali where it isn't AS big a deal as a lot of other places. All depends on what the prosecutor...
  15. MidWestAlki

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    Oh 17... I read 15 by accident. He is probably gonna get into quite a bit of trouble. He can definitely kiss ever getting a med card goodbye...
  16. MidWestAlki

    Minor caught with marijuana in School need info!!!

    Maybe he should have saved those activities for recreational time. An education is important. He can probably expect intent to distribute/sales and a paraphernalia charge as well as simple possession by a minor. They will more than likely drop at least the para and the possession charges with...
  17. MidWestAlki

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    Haha hit post by accident. Anywho, I do find a healthy debate a good time. Problem here is that not many on here want to leave them as a debate and make them more of an argument. I will omit any more comments I have on this subject at least for this thread...
  18. MidWestAlki

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    Well played my friend... Very well played. Can you see what I am getting at though? There are those with beliefs and those with questions. No one knows the right questions or the right "beliefs" to follow. This means that pushing on and/or labeling someone is absolutely absurd. I don't...
  19. MidWestAlki

    AK-47 1 week from seed germ

    Well I just read an article that says merc vapor is a terrible light to use for growing lol. I will go with that lol. Should 16-17000k lumens on a 175w HPS be enough for a single girl?
  20. MidWestAlki

    AK-47 1 week from seed germ

    ok my next question is lights for her. I have a multi use ballast. It can take metal halide, hps, and merc vapor. I have HPS and merc vap bulbs. how well would a norelco 175w HID merc vapor lamp roll in flowering? Should I just use the HPS? It is also a 175w HID. I know the HPS is rated...