Yer im using this soil Westland -
with nothing added. they were growing fine until about 5 days in and then they just turned all soft. they had their first pair of serated leaves aswell. now i have repoted them so the stem is under the soil and only the leaves are showing. but the tiny bit of...
yer thats what i thought it was aswell, but one of the seedlings was under about an inch tall and that collapsed aswell, hmm
the whole pant has jus turned soft but the leaves arent wilted. i have no idea wots wrong with itt, its stressing me out lol
ok thnkz. when i repot them wot should i do about watering?
water them straight after with 1/4 nutrients until the water comes out the bottom ? then do so every 3 -4days?
are you sure i should bury the whole stem. . because they are bout 4 inches high and they wil prob hit the bottom of the pot lol. if thats kool tel me plz and i wil repot them right away.
thnkz. ye they already have their first set of serated leaves. i jus watered it until water came out the bottom and i also put a straw splint on it. should i just wait now until it gets bak to normal? the stem is almost like a piece of string the way it flops but the leaves look green and...
thnks dat has helped alot. i will put a straw around them and hopefuly the stem will suport itself after while. how long do u reckon it will need to be splintered?
and on the watering, i have been spraying them everyday so that they are always moist on the soils surface. is this right? i think i...
thnks err i have two 24 inch flourecent lights above them and they are about 3 inches above the seedlings. i watered them b4 i went out and when i got bak they were on their sides. :?
i dont know about the humidty but its warm but not to warm, around 25 degrees.
Yo im new to the forum
im a first timer at this and everything was going well. im about 4 days into growing and my plants are about 3 inches high.
when i left my house this morning everything was going well and they were standing straight. then SHOCK HORARR when i came home afew hours later...