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  1. B

    Video Help

    I saw this video once on youtube of a guy who basically grew 4 plants in like 2 storage closet type things and was very succesful. Anyways, the video included a link to his website where he included a list of everything he used and where to get it and how much it cost, links, etc. Does anyone...
  2. B

    I need an idea....

    It wasn't a panic attack. I could control my heart rate and breathing. My muscles were shaking. It wasnt a goddamn optical illusion or something like some of you think
  3. B

    I need an idea....

    oh sorry that i was goddamn unresponsive and unconscious you stupid asshole. I had no other choice but go to the hospital
  4. B

    I need an idea....

    Alright, so...about 3 months ago, I had a bad trip on spice and had to go to the hospital etc. But, the other night I smoked some regular mid grade weed and I honestly thought I was going to have a seizure. My muscles were like spazzing throughout my body, I could feel my heart racing bad, feel...