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  1. H

    Who is using the most power?

    are electric companies not bothered in the usa
  2. H

    Who is using the most power?

    This post is great!!!! People in the UK are worried when using 3x600s in flower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha, this is great to see what yous lot are runnin manny
  3. H

    Gavita 300w Plasma full spectrum light

    bump anyone with opinons
  4. H

    Gavita 300w Plasma full spectrum light

    Hi, has anyone used a plasma light through out the entire veg and flower cycle?? They are amazing in veg because of the massive blue part but apparantly the red part drops off at the far end of the spectrum. Any one got ideas????
  5. H

    Nutes for Aero?

    skunk.... this sounds mad but what is your basis for only using these two bottles in flower and why????? many thanks manny
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    Nutes for Aero?

    So are people saying the ghe 3part has alot of salt buildup???? only i was going to use this having never used it before. i wanted a simple method instead of my 10 bottle madness, i get the results but im trying a new aeroflo 28 and i was advised on the 3 part and pk thru out flower???? any...
  7. H

    The gully challenge - help needed

    bump, any help may help me
  8. H

    The gully challenge - help needed

    Hi, ive tried looking in the search bar with no luck. Basically i was going to buy an Aeroflo 60 site, cant get the tank in the loft. So im goin to buy 4x 2.5m lenghts of square gully, and cut out 15 holes in each one. im going to use 4 pumps for each gully. each pump will be 1000litres per...