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  1. mogesyy420

    Help with Compost Tea!

    I was Wonderingg Is There anyway I can Incorperate General Orangics With my High P Compost Tea for Flowering
  2. mogesyy420

    organic soil mix

    i divieded it bi 4***
  3. mogesyy420

    organic soil mix

    each bag has 79l....2.8cuft.....i took subcools super soil and divided his revised 2010 mix 4...he starts off with 8 bags im using 2 and that the amount of lime its gives mee. ill prob go bi what you jus gave me
  4. mogesyy420

    organic soil mix

    ive decided to post my soil mix up...if any1 would like to comment or give me any ideas it would be nice 2 bags of pro-mix bx 20 ozs of blood meal 20 ozs of bat guano 20 ozs of bone meal 20 ozs of kelp meal 3 tbs of epsom salts 4 tbs of dolomite lime And i have liquid seaweed concentrate that...